More cringeworthy Synodality from the ACBC

Australia’s Catholic Bishops Conference must have decided that the patronising non-Catholic gibberish it inflicted on us for the Plenary Council wasn’t enough – still too many Catholics actually attending Mass, perhaps? No, apparently we need even more condescending advice, even more irrelevant talking points, all embellished with that infantile logo which has found its unfortunate way onto the promotional materials for Bergoglio’s “Synod on Synods.”

You all know what I think about that logo.

The more imaginative among you may see Van Gogh’s haystacks being blown around by the Holy Ghost as a disenfranchised crowd (from “the margins”, no doubt) turns its back on the Sun of Righteousness.

But I see a tiny, defenceless child being sucked from its mother’s womb, in order to make a toxic gene serum for the world’s fearful, clueless citizens who were encouraged by their fearful, clueless bishops.

Either way, the whole thing is a farce.

Who can actually repeat that title with a straight face? A “Synod on Synods”, indeed! It is like something straight from Lewis Carol.

We don’t see issuing from St Peter’s a (sorely-needed) “Catechism on Catechisms”, do we? Should the Holy Father compose a “Litany of Litanies”? Or should he offer a whole mass of Masses (Latin, of course!)?

Now, to be fair, John XXIII did effectively achieve an anathema on anathemas. And until recent times, the Church was known for Her tradition of tradition. But that was all in the dim, dark, unenlightened past. Now we have the Modern Methods.

We have scientific instructions that explain the way in which we should conduct our conversations, our dialogue. From the ACBC:

Speakers work in a clockwise direction. The facilitator may nominate someone to
start, then participants can share one after the other.
• Everyone speaks for two to three minutes about what happened during their
reflection time.
• Begin with the phrase: “In my reflection today…”

It is a brave participant who would dare to move in an anti-clockwise direction.

Survivors enter the Second Round, where a different phrase is used:

This round will be shorter than the first. Speaking order is clockwise, as before.
• Everyone speaks for one to two minutes.
• This is an opportunity to answer questions like:
• What consoled me or struck me as I listened to my companions?
• What did I hear? What did I feel? What was the Spirit saying to me/us?
• Was I especially touched by a particular sharing?
• Begin with the phrase, “In the group I heard…and it left me feeling…”

Dear Lord. What was the Spirit saying??

That the bishops need to be accountable to all those Catholics who are now out of work because they refused the vex? I could imagine the Holy Ghost saying that.

Or that He backed Pius V all the way when that good man announced the fate of anyone who tried to do away with the Traditional Mass?

Just ask Paul VI; he learned a bit about God’s wrath and it wasn’t very pleasant.

Consequences? [Source here.]

I know I’ve gotten off track but it is embarrassing to read what those highly-paid Catholic bureaucrats come up with when they’re working on their favourite mess: reimagining the Church.

“Discernment”, cringey prayers, cringey graphics and cringey sharing-groups from triple-jabbed ecumaniacs. Do they realise how irrelevant they are? We are over it.

Oh. There’s one more thing the Spirit might say if anyone concerned about their credibility was ever to listen to Him: if you must engage in a heterodox Modernist talkfest, then at least make the effort to get the name of your own country right.

Another vax-related CEO lurking at the Vatican

Last week, Vatican journalist Ed Pentin revealed in 2021, that Pope Francis held secret talks with the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Boula. In a less clandestine but equally alarming fashion, Bourla appeared at a health conference sponsored by the Vatican to push his toxic drugs. Now, apart from the obvious problems with Pfizer – the health risks of the “vaccine” and its reliance on aborted fetal cells – the corporation is known for its corrupt business practices such as bribery, misleading advertising and illegal drug trials. So it’s pretty clear that the Vatican should not be doing business with this outfit.

But it seems that the Vatican is making a habit of ingratiating itself to Big Pharma and its allies. Deloitte, the global accounting firm, has also been getting in on the the Vatican’s not-so-great reset act.

On January 12th, a meeting which was co-organised by Deloitte and the Vatican COVID-19 Commission took place at the Vatican. It was one of those little closed-door affairs where synarchists get together in a fabulously aesthetic location to casually decide the fate of every man, woman and child on the planet. 

It was sponsored by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the theme was Prepare the future: building a regenerative, inclusive and sustainable economy.” Pope Francis apparently didn’t attend but sent a rather predictable message telling the co-organisers to “prepare the future” and reminding attendees to respect Mother Earth. Nothing remotely Catholic there.

Before we look at Deloitte, here’s a brief overview of what went down at the meeting. It is the perfect example of the way synarchy melds technology, health, economics and demographics and holds it altogether with the glue of syncretic spirituality.

Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., who is the acting Prefect of the Dicastery, introduced the meeting, calling for radical change:  “ … radical, holistic and systemic change so that we may all live together in peace with special care for the least among us, and in peace with our planet.” Nothing very Christian there either.

Fr. Fabio Baggio, CS, under-secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery told his listeners that “human mobility” – code for “illegal immigration” – is a good thing and needs to be factored into government policy; all we need is a dash of imagination.

Sr. Alessandra Smerilli, FMA, acting Secretary of the Dicastery, repeated one of Bergoglio’s mantras: “we are not saved alone” and Punit Renjen, CEO of Deloitte Global, drew attention to the way lockdowns improve the environment: “Proof positive that clearer air, cleaner water, and healthier ecosystems are not only possible, but probable if we act now. “

Great – climate lockdowns must be on the agenda.

Another speaker was Professor Jiang Bo-Kui, who is a senior researcher at the Taihe Institute. This is another of those globalist “think tanks”, ie, a training-ground for technocrats. Based in Beijing, this one has a very Marxist flavour, and the Professor actually used Marx and Engels as examples of the “altruistic economists” who have tried to improve the lot of the human race throughout history.

The text of the Professor’s talk is reproduced on the Taihe Institute website, so it can be studied in detail. It is rather a frightening read. The strange mixture of Communism, Buddhism and technocracy might make his theories sound reasonable to the average person, but when you know how the CCP defines “peace” and “love”, his ideas take on quite a disturbing character. Just ask the Uyghurs.

Among the the other speakers were Baroness Minouche Shafik, director of the London School of Economics, who called for a “new social contract”, and Richard Houston, CEO of Deloitte North-South Europe, who wants to “design the future of work” using digital technologies. Then there was Professor Stefano Zamagni, president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, who wants the rebooted economy to be “socially sustainable, environmentally sustainable and fraternal”. 

Now on to Deloitte. Deloitte is one of the Big Four global accounting firms, along with Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC. Despite its successful image, this company has been found guilty of some pretty shady and shoddy business practices; eg it’s not above hiring ex-CIA operatives in order to spy on its competitors. (Most of the information on Deloitte in this article originated from Wikipedia, by the way. God bless that site.)

According to Wikipedia, Deloitte was the third-largest privately-owned company in the US in 2020. Deloitte offers consulting services to businesses, providing advice on a range of areas, such as finance, tax, legal and risk. The giant company services a host of industries, including energy, consumer, governments, financial, health, media and technology as well as governments. In other words, Deloitte is the technocrats’ technocrat. And one would expect, Deloitte is very cosy with the World Economic Forum, and is especially involved with one of its pet projects, the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

But Deloitte also has ties to the COVID “vaccine” rollout. During Trump’s days, the CDC ( the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) paid Deloitte USD $44 million to create a vaccination administration and distribution system known as VAMS. It was meant to handle vaccine ordering, scheduling of appointments, and updating of patient records for the entire country. Unusually, there was no tender process, and even more unusually, software development on this scale is not among Deloitte’s usual services. Scandalously, (apart from the scandal inherent in pandemic hysteria, the outrageous government response, abortion-tainted toxic gene serum masquerading as “vaccines” and so on) their system is hopelessly flawed, and most jurisdictions have abandoned VAMS and created their own software or have even resorted to using pen and paper to manage their vaccination records. Presumably Deloitte has access to the medical records of the entire US population.

Worse than than even the colossal waste of money and the abysmal failure on the part of Deloitte is that fact that the company stole the software design for tracking the vaccinations from a small independent company, the Multi-State Partnership for Prevention (MSPP). The CDC none-too-innocently invited the executive director of MSPP, Tiffany Tate, to present her product, then gained access to the technical specifications, and then gave the contract and specifications to Deloitte!

Deloitte proceeded to charge the CDC more than MSPP had quoted, and even tried to hire Tiffany Tate to work for them. Ms Tate apparently did not relish the idea of being brought in to work on a project which was stolen from her by the US government and issued the CDC with a Cease and Desist order.

Another thing about the Deloitte CEO, Punit Renjen: last year, he put together an integrated health management in Haryana state in India. The programme was designed to keep hospital beds free for serious COVID cases, by allowing patients with mild to moderate symptoms to be treated at home, which in many ways is a common-sense approach to handling a pandemic. (Assuming there ever was a pandemic.) With a non-invasive approach like Renjen’s there would be no need for a vaccine – or certainly not a harmful, rushed one. Makes one think.

But since the WEF likes Renjen’s model, we know there must be something wrong with it, don’t we? And there is. Renjen’s system is a perfect example of that globalist dream to “rebuild and reinvest in more equitable and affordable healthcare infrastructure”.

Enter the classic Hegelian dialectic:

Problem: poor people are, well, poor; governments don’t care about the poor; and disease exists.

Reaction: health systems become overburdened during disease outbreaks, disproportionately affecting the poor & governments suddenly care enough to ask for help.

Solution: Deloitte saves the day by using digital technology to manage the situation. (And to manage the poor.)

Solve et coagula. Dissolve and reform. Out with the old, in with the new. Build back better.

The watchword for Deloitte’s involvement in all of this is integration: digital technology combined with health technology, combined with actual human beings plus education plus scaleability: this is the package used by Renjet to manage the health crisis in Haryana and which the WEF wants to see rolled out in other parts of the world. In other words, this is another brick in the digital passport wall of doom.

So to it all sum up: a corrupt multi-national corporation, in concert with the Vatican, puts together a syncretic, neo-Marxist conference designed to teach the rest of us how to behave virtuously and ethically. Said company was involved in a failed vaccine distribution system but feels the need to lecture the world on efficient health care systems. Will said company step in to take over the Vatican’s ailing computer system (which is just asking to be hacked?) We’ll wait and see.

One last point. Something from Solzhenitsyn came my way today that is quite apt in an article about benevolent Commies and heterodox Cardinals spouting utopian dreams:

“Marxism is…rhetoric to the effect that the world proletariat will overthrow the world bourgeoisie & the most happy & radiant society will then arise.The fantasies…break off at this point, not one of them goes any further to describe what this society would be like.”

We know why that is, don’t we? Because if people understood the society which the Overlords have planned for us, then no one would go along with their plans.

They want a digital surveillance state governed by murderous Communists who are given legitimacy by an antiChristian religion which looks for all the world like the Catholic Church.

Unfortunately, despite all the rallies and marches and websites and red-pilling that’s going on, most people still don’t understand. Which is why Deloitte and the Integral Humanists and Klaus Schwab and the rest of them will have their day – only a day, mind you – but they will have it.

They will have their day because everything is connected and the web has been spun, and the poor little flies – that’s us – are trapped with nowhere to go. But that’s okay. Because what we must never forget is we have only one job and that is to get to heaven. And fortunately, Our Lord promised us that if we persevere, then He will help us to do just that. Fiat.

Vatican: vincible ignorance on cybersecurity

[UPDATED.] I came across this listing on LinkedIn under the heading, Become a Vatican CyberVolunteer. Surely, this is a joke? What kind of cybersecurity outfit advertises for random volunteers to help them – while simultaneously letting the world know how vulnerable their system is?

About the job

We are a group of talented cybersecurity professionals from all over the world who work daily in companies and organizations in the field of cybersecurity. We dedicate our time and efforts to help bolster and secure the Vatican Cyber defenses by offering free consultancy, hands-on services and cloud services for free or against cost-price.

Vatican City has a sprawling system of websites administered by the Internet Office of the Holy See and organized under the country code top-level domain “.va”. The Vatican’s web presence has expanded steadily since its launched its main website,, in 1995. ( List of websites: )

Hackers have frequently targeted the Vatican since it first went online. In 2012, the hacking group Anonymous briefly blocked access to and disabled other sites, including those of the Vatican secretariat of state and the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.

A British cyber security consultancy approached the Vatican following reports in July 2020 that suspected Chinese state-sponsored hackers had targeted Vatican computer networks.

The need to secure, like any organization in the world, is very clear in the Vatican, and we like to help.

We’re currently recruiting!

LinkedIn listing

As the listing explains, it wasn’t so long ago that the Vatican computer systems were compromised by CCP approved hackers, just as the Holy See entered into talks with the Chinese government. At that time an analyst said:

“The saying knowledge is power is prevalent here, as nation-states infiltrate organizations via phishing or other vulnerabilities into their network. Once inside, they’re performing reconnaissance to find out if the information is worthwhile to their cause.

So if you know your system has already been infiltrated by Commie hackers at least once, why would you use volunteer workers to try and keep your “sprawling” (read: inefficient and vulnerable) computer systems safe?

Strange priorities at the Vatican: when Our Lady asks for the Pope to consecrate Russia and release the Third Secret by 1960, the Curia goes to great lengths to hide the facts. But when it’s a case of Vatican websites, databases or employee records, those are made available to every basement-dwelling cyber-terrorist on the globe.

Diabolical disorientation at its finest.

Two more thoughts: what other sensitive information is currently at the mercy of hackers? Files on suspected (and often innocent) priests? Details of secret and not-so-secret meetings, diplomatic missions and so on? Files on traditionalist bishops, priests, and parishes, just crying out for some scandals to be invented?

And all of the Vatican’s financial records and funds, no doubt. There’s no shortage of blackmailable agents within the Eternal City who would like to keep that a secret.

Also, could this be something to do with the coming global cyber attack about which Klaus Schwab has been warning us? We know it’s on the way because the Overlords have run a simulation on it. And it would be pretty helpful to them if the Vatican was to tell the world’s Catholics to sign up to the next stage of their Beast system.

So there may be a method to their madness, after all. In the meantime, if you’re an unemployed cyber-terrorist, or just a garden variety high-school hacker, why not sign up for the Vatican’s Cyber Volunteer program? As they say: the fringe-benefits are out of this world!

Occult specialist brought in for Italian church design

NOTE: This article was updated on Feb 21, 2022, to include the link to this video from Rome Reports. In the video, you can see the architect explaining that the rough stone altar represents ‘giving oneself to the earth.”

When we see a church like the newly-completed San Giacomo Apostolo in Ferrara, Italy, our second question is usually, “Why?” (Our first question might be along the lines of, “Is this for real??”)

Designed by a secular architectural firm who tried to create something that “didn’t look like a church”, the building does have most of the essentials of a church – even though they are rather dark, distorted versions. There is an altar, baptistry, Blessed Sacrament chapel, nave, spartan Stations of the Cross, and multiple crosses, although none appear to hold a corpus.

The design is the result of a competition run by the Italian Bishops Conference, who needed a new church for the city of Ferrara. The exterior is meant to echo the finale of the local hot-air-balloon festival, in which the balloons slowly deflate. I suspect that this does not represent the hopes and dreams of the Fathers fading away after the Council, but it would make an apt metaphor.

In the words of the architect, one enters the church through a grove which seems innocent enough until one realises that groves are often associated with paganism and with the occult. They are even mentioned in the Bible in connection with the worship of false gods. Of course, this may be simply a turn of phrase, as the poplars surrounding the site were obviously planted long before this church was built. But it is an odd choice of words, seeing as the trees are lining the perimeter, rather than being grouped together, as the word “grove” suggests.

Above the altar is an oculus, (Latin for eye; in architectural terms this refers to any eye-shaped feature, such as a hole at the centre of a dome); these are quite often found in churches. This particular one is decidedly creepy, though, surrounded by cold concrete and interwoven timbers, punctuated by the immense, rough cross, and crowning the almost windowless church. The overall effect is less than inviting, and the lack of windows is, well ….. somewhat Masonic.

View of the sanctuary, topped by the oculus, with the cross suspended over it – all the charm of a Goth nightclub.
Another view of the enormous cross, which looks ready to crush the occupants, and gives little assurance that Our Lord will help us to carry ours.

To the left, you can see the way both crosses almost intersect, with another cross mounted at an angle on the far wall; the clashing, intersecting crosses found in Paul VI’s Masonic-inspired portrait come to mind – more on that here.

The cross that adorns the wall behind the sanctuary is not a Christian one: the radiating arms of the cross are of the same length, suggesting a Rosicrucian cross. Rosicrucianism is an occult movement, linked

with Freemasonry and which contains elements of Kaballah, Alchemy, Christian Mysticism and Hermeticism. Jewels surround this cross: these have no apparent Christian reference, but the architect thought they might remind the faithful of angels. At least that’s what she told the media.

The jewels, stone crosses and bizarre black statuary are the work of the occult-artist, Enzo Cucchi, who was invited by the architects to collaborate with them. The designers describe Cucchi’s black statues, which represent scenes from the Old and New Testaments, as resembling “oozing basalt.”

One of the many cement crosses, all sans corpus, represented as being ‘taped’ to the wall.
“Oozing basalt” statues and …. fireflies???

Enzo Cucci is part of an art movement known as transversalism, and was included in an art exhibition entitled S*** and Die. (Caution – there’s some mild nudity if you click on the link.) The whole thing gets even worse: a documentary film made about that exhibit was called “Seance.”

The baptismal font (right) in this unappealing chamber sits atop what looks like a bidet. Decorum prevents me from drawing a parallel with the art show mentioned above.

The stone font is actually an authentic liturgical antique: it came from an abandoned church in Bergamo. Bergamo, for the historically-minded, is the birthplace of John XXIII and was once the bishopric of the (rather evil) Cardinal Radini-Tadeschi.

Back to the occultist, Cucchi: here’s what one biographer had to say about him:

“Cucchi is the painter as seer, demon and saint, possessor and possessed, he is at once the creator and subject of his tale. He is the painter as mad visionary, participant in and witness to the nether world from which one can emerge after a ritual of fire and purification, to the realm of the sublime.”

Description of Cucchi by a devoted fan and art critic.

The painter as demon? Hardly the kind of man one would want working on a church. Unless, of course, one wanted a church reminiscent of an occult-themed safe-room.

The Archbishop of Ferrara, Gian Carlo Perega, is an interesting character. He is by no means a traditionalist, as you would expect after seeing this strange building, but he recently – and post Traditiones Custodes – set up TLM personal parish. Perhaps this was to appease, if not to protect, the rather large traditionalist base in his Archdiocese. Perego is, however, better known as a progressive who promotes the plight of migrants.

I know the sedevacantists like to have fun with churches like this one: I suppose they see it as a vindication of their position. To me, it is just sad. Sad for the people who worship there and don’t know any better. Sad for the priest who doesn’t understand his vocation. Sad for the bishop who thinks being edgy will make him popular. And very sad for the liturgical designer who thinks there are no eternal consequences for making occult motifs an integral part of a Catholic church.

Claims of Vatican Freemasonry from 1999

A news article at Gloria TV about Masons involved at the highest levels of the Vatican caught my eye. The report was based on an Italian article which can be found here. I ran the whole thing through Google Translate so hopefully it will be coherent enough to read. The pictures with their captions come from the original article.

I’ll try have a professional translation made of “Gone with the Wind in the Vatican” – that book may provide the evidence needed to prove the claims made below

The publication of the book, Gone with the Wind in the Vatican, in 1999, by Edizioni Kaos, written by a group of personalities, probably ecclesiastical, who collectively signed Themselves The Millennials, unleashed, at the time, a real hornet’s nest in the upper floors of the Catholic Church, as well as in the world of public information. But it was, as we then saw, a storm in a glass of water: in practice, the strategy adopted by the leaders of the Church, with the connivance and complicity of all the major press organs and public and private television (confirming that there is no real competition between them, since they belong to the same owners and take orders from the same centers of occult power: exactly as we see in recent months) was that of or the rubber wall of silence to the terrible revelations contained in that book, and wait for public opinion, overwhelmed and dazed by new news from a hundred other directions, to forget about the scandal with the same speed with which it had been invested.

A strategy that has always worked, because, in the world of so-called information, the rule is that the mind of the public must always be “occupied” by a tumultuous succession of news, true or false, objective or exaggerated, and possibly minimized, without ever being able to form a clear and overall idea of the situation, precisely because it is always committed to “digest” new materials that are constantly pressing, in which truth and falsehood are wisely dosed in such a way that they can no longer distinguish them and lose the very taste for truth and the innate contempt for lies.

This is the strategy adopted today towards Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò: to ignore him completely, at first; then, subject it to the barrage of criticism and denigration, often in the form of “friendly fire”, that is, the subtle attacks launched by those who, until yesterday, seemed to share its objectives and the need for moral cleanliness; finally silence again, because the globalist power immediately realized that it had made a mistake in talking about him, even if to denigrate and ridicule him, because of the real enemies it must never speak, for any reason. It is the surest way to let the effect that their words and actions exert on the masses be praised: since, for the latter, there really is only what the newspapers and televisions talk about; while what they do not talk about, in practice it is as if it did not exist, even if it were a truck launched at insane speed that is running over the highway, arriving in the forbidden direction of travel.

Roncalli was the modernist and Freemason pope, who surprisingly called the infamous Second Vatican Council: a true “Revolution” that upset the Catholic Church and the message of Christ!

Monsignor Marinelli was not the author, but one of the authors of the book-revelation, as he himself admitted during some interviews, calling himself simply “a spokesman” for the group. He had become aware of a series of scandals in the Vatican linked both to the widespread practice of homosexuality, to the careerism and profiteering of many high figures of the Roman Curia, and, finally, to the practice of occult rites linked to Freemasonry and even black masses, a direct expression of Satanism; and he was shocked.

For a long time he had wondered what his duty was, whether to speak or be silent, however for the love of the Church; he had also counseled with the well-known exorcist Don Gabriele Amorth, who had encouraged him in the second direction. And so the book Gone with the Wind in the Vatican was born, originated, whatever one may say, not by speculative intent, but, on the contrary, by the sincere desire to see a brake and a remedy put in place to a moral drift that for years had been proceeding without obstacles in the upper echelons of the Church. Hope that went frustrated: the book was promptly made to disappear from bookstores, because all the 100,000 copies sold, or most of them, were purchased by the Vatican, which eliminated them; and the press dealt with it very little, so that the resonance was modest, if at all.

The bulk of public opinion did not know about it; no debate was ignited; the scandalous careers of the prelates in the smell of perversion, business and Freemasonry, did not suffer substantial obstacles, at most some promotions were frozen, on a prudential basis. But in short, the lid of the nauseating pot was not lifted, and no one rolled up their sleeves to purify the miasmas that were hanging the atmosphere of the Bride of Christ.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, author of “Dear Freemason Brothers” that appeared in Il Sole 24 Ore in February 2016.

Those who had to answer uncomfortable questions did not answer; and those who had reason to scratch their mange, as father Dante would say, were spared a similar, public humiliation. A great opportunity for reflection and rethinking was wasted; and the malpractice now consolidated, tolerated or perhaps even accepted by Paul VI and then by Giovani Paolo II, who cared more about carrying out his anti-communist plots directed against the Soviet Union than ascertaining the origin of the money destined for this (money anticipated by Masonic and mafia financiers such as Calvi, Sindona and Ortolani), continued as before and worse than before.

By now a real Masonic dome had been consolidated inside the Vatican (there are those who speak of four different lodges that dominate and even compete with each other), in which, scandal in scandal, flourished and still flourishes, so to speak, a real gay lobby, cemented and strengthened by the sad solidarity of the humorous type that binds, its members, united by the same vice and well determined to continue to practice it with impunity, even in the most brazen forms, but not to let anything leak outside, at the cost of passing over corpses, and not only in a figurative sense (those of Albino Luciani, Emanuela Orlandi and the Vatican gendarmes Estermann and Tornay, for example).

St. Pio of Pietralcina: with Pope Pacelli they courageously fought Freemasonry and its inexorable infiltration into the Church!

Against Monsignor Marinelli, who was the head of the office of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, and therefore had known well, and from within, the “dome” of power of the Curia, a criminal proceeding had been opened, on charges of defamation and disclosure of state secrets, but the accused had decided not to appear at the hearings at the Vatican Chancellery building. Shortly afterwards he died, towards the end of October 2000, before the trial reached a formal conviction and just one year after the publication of the “incriminated” book: a rather timely death, which allowed the Vatican, for the umpteenth time, to sweep the dirt under the carpet and go on as if nothing had happened, deaf and insensitive to any moral call or warning.

In any case, the most scandalous, and most disturbing, aspect of the revelations contained in the book was the one that was least talked about, namely the massive and widespread infiltration of Masonic lodges within the Church and especially in the Roman Curia. And even in this case it was certainly no coincidence that the few articles that appeared in the press in relation to the Millennials have overlooked, or treated only in passing, this topic: in fact, if even a part of the revelations contained in it were true (and this was also the opinion of Father Amorth: not everything was true, but most of them did), this would have made indispensable a profound reflection on the direction that the post-conciliar Church had taken, in the sense of shortening the distances from the Masonic order and to build a bridge, more than suspicious, towards it (a bridge that would culminate in the Dear Masonic Brothers of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, which appeared in Il Sole 24 Ore in February 2016.

It would have been necessary to reflect on a whole series of “openings”, or ostrich policies, starting with the laws on divorce and abortion, which certainly had been promoted by the lodges, but which were not reconciled at all with the true Magisterium of the Church, and are not reconciled even today, in spite of what all the cardinals of the Curia and all the modernist theologians who today go crazy with the greatest ease can say, supported by a wicked pontificate that, for eight years now, speaks only of breaking down walls and building bridges, as if pervaded by a frantic spirit of self-destruction.

They want the destruction of Catholicism: their general program has already come a long way on the road to realization. There is still little left, and then they will throw off the mask altogether: and they will show themselves for what they are and have always been: sworn enemies of Christ and his holy Name, and therefore satanic and implacable enemies of the good, of the true and of the beautiful!

Shortly after the publication of the book Gone with the Wind in the Vatican, it was the journalist Luigi Baldo, who at the time collaborated with Giorgio Bongiovanni’s magazine, Terzo Millennio, who wanted to publish an interview with Monsignor Marinelli. The reader should forget, or put in brackets, the more than dubious figure of Bongiovanni, and not be blocked by a legitimate preconception towards him; but keep in mind that, sometimes, the truth shines through even where one would least expect to find it, precisely because, when the most forbidden conformism and systematic control of information apply, it happens that some flash of truth appears precisely in the newspapers or on television networks that, although questionable in many respects, nevertheless, at that particular moment, and perhaps for reasons all of them, they are determined to put a spanner in the works to the consolidated system of totalitarian consensus, so they offer some space for true information where all the others have been closed or duly tamed.

And here is the part of the interview that concerns the theme of Freemasonry within the Church (from: Lorenzo Baldo, Interview with Monsignor Marinelli, on Terzo Millennio, S. Elpidio a Mare (AP), n. 3 of Sept. 1999, pp. 74-75):

Q: Let’s get to the problem of Freemasonry…

A. Padre Pio, four years before the prophecy of Fatima, wrote to his spiritual father about a revelation that the Lord had made to him, namely that he saw many ecclesiastics, many prelates enrolled in Freemasonry.

Q. So what should be done to expel Freemasonry from the Church?

A. As you know Freemasonry continues to be a secret sect that reveals the first two or three degrees, no one knows for sure the other higher degrees, no one knows them. I think that in order to expel Freemasonry, the rooting of Freemasonry within the Church, it is necessary to have seminarians and students of pontifical Catholic universities study a subject on Freemasonry. Until now, seminarians were instructed on all questions of human knowledge, without knowing a word about how Freemasonry manages to infiltrate the Church. no one knows, yet a seminarian who tomorrow will become a priest, can meet with any Freemason in his parish, without knowing how to behave. It is evident that no one wants to “fight” something without knowing it first. If Freemasonry within the Church is to be fought, it must be known first and to know it must be studied. Freemasonry cares, in the same way as the devil, to make believe that “it does not exist”. In all the articles that appeared in the newspapers on the book of the Millennials, there is barely any mention of Freemasonry, one or at most two questions, when instead this is precisely the “purulent plague”…

Freemason Paul Marcinkus, nicknamed: “The banker of God”

Q. What is the practice for entry into Freemasonry?

A. In the books it is clearly written. In Freemasonry one does not enter by “question”, but by “invitation”; at the limit you can show yourself by those in charge, as a valid person, intelligent, at most… But it is the Superior Council of Freemasonry that judges the suitability or not for a “new entry” and when the response is positive one is “invited to enter the Masonic Order”.

“They” first study the characters to be inserted and when everyone agrees, with a secret vote, we proceed to the invitation of that person… to make a cleric “enter” they make him certain promises that are then in fact kept, such as that of becoming a bishop, nuncio, secretary of a cardinal, etc., then at a certain point he is reminded of the reason why he had this type of facilitation and if he does not intend to continue all negotiations are interrupted… and since “they” abound “careerist” people, greedy for success, it is very difficult for someone to back down, since he has now entered a “game” too big…

In the last century there were many priests who, at the end of their lives, dissociated themselves from Freemasonry by converting, but now they are not. Now we tend to do something else, the opposite, let’s take the example of the Jesuit Father Caprile and others, who said; that Freemasonry is not really against God and against the Church and that one can very well to be Catholics and Freemasons at the same time.

Since there is no longer “excommunication”, the Catholic-Mason can go to communion and approach the high sacraments… Here is the scam! Whereas before you were excommunicated, now the deception takes place without problems… and remember what Paul VI said: the smoke of Satan entered the temple of God… it has the key to understanding.

What “smoke” more dark, oppressive than that of Freemasonry? Here we speak of spiritual smoke. And if we take note that it is the pontiff himself of that time who makes such statements. the issue increases in importance.

A month ago the news came out, that in London the Masonic Order has established a chair in the faculty precisely on Freemasonry, so I wonder, if “they” do it because we can not do it too, telling the truth about how they were born and what they do?

When a professor has to teach a subject, obviously he must study it first, document himself, in this way he would delve into the most total fund of Freemasonry discovering new implications. All this is very worrying… While we are still anxious about how the new millennium will open, let us leave out this “piece” that is literally flooding humanity and the Church.

Q. How much more is not known about this link with Freemasonry?

A. The things you don’t know are 95%… Regarding this matter I read a book of 500 pages and it is something to make the skin cringe… the UN is a conclusion of the purpose of Freemasonry of 1717, NATO is a conclusion of what was proclaimed, the same dollar bears exposed the pyramid, which is the coat of arms of Freemasonry and many other things… such as for UNESCO and organizations that want to eliminate the power of States and “regionalize” them, as happened in the Balkans, they want to regionalize it in order to better dominate them.

It is time to move towards a universal government, a world government in which there are the most important religions, where it is accepted that the “universal architect” is this supreme being who can be called Christ, Allah, Jehovah. The important thing is to get to the global government of the world…

Q. The links between the Church and economic speculation…

A. It is enough to remember the scandals of the IOR linked to Freemasonry, also broadcast on television in front of millions of viewers.

Q. How is the scandal of pedophile priests possible, or of ecclesiastical homosexuality linked to “careerism”?

A. I do not give myself a reason, I was very impressed by the Pope’s forgiveness to the victims of these sexual abuses, in the book, the question is just raised, but it undoubtedly remains a terrible plague. The use of homosexuality as a form of careerism has been one of the most frequent practices and there are clear examples in the book.

Q. What about mafia infiltrations inside the Vatican?

A. I am not aware of it.

A. For what reasons, even within the Church, has there been a real persecution of Padre Pio?

A. Padre Pio has always been a “target”, as Simeon said to the Lord, a point of reference and contestation. even from the inside..

The famous and appreciated “Exorcist” Don Gabriele Amorth, who died a few years ago.

What about the words of Monsignor Marinelli? How to judge them, in the light of all that has happened in the last twenty-two years, and that he could not have imagined, as probably almost none of us? Once again, it is clear that the policy of opening up to all and of dialoguing with all, inaugurated by the self-styled “good pope” with the Second Vatican Council, has produced, and continues to produce, disastrous fruits, to say the least.

Since then it has been said, and made to believe by the faithful, that the Church no longer has enemies, and therefore, implicitly or explicitly, that she must disarm, lower her guard and place herself in an attitude of understanding, appreciation and dialogue also with those parts of society that have always opposed and strenuously fought her. At the heart of them is Freemasonry whose summit, whatever the low-ranking affiliates are told, is the destruction of Catholicism and the cancellation of Christ’s redemptive work, to establish a New World Order, dominated by some powerful men who want to be worshiped as gods, or almost.

And already now they have reached a good point in their program: in the meantime, in fact, they have managed, for the second Christmas in a row, to pass on the idea that man is not saved by the Incarnation of Christ, but by the inoculation of the “sacred” vaccine (which is not a vaccine at all, but an experimental gene serum). Their general programme, therefore, has already come a long way on the road to realization.

There is still little left, and then they will throw off the mask altogether: and they will show themselves for what they are and have always been: sworn enemies of Christ and his holy Name, and therefore satanic and implacable enemies of the good, of the true and of the beautiful.

03 January 2022

Perth Cathedral: “vaccine” – yes; Rosary – no.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe of Perth has gone one step further than promoting the abortion-tainted gene serum: he has taken to supplying it through his Cathedral. So far, St Mary’s Cathedral has hosted two COVID-jab weekends; the last took place on January 8th and 9th.

Costelloe also said he has no objections to opening God’s house to the COVID cult any old time its high priests deem that necessary. The high priests – doctors from Royal Perth Hospital, the Western Australian Police Commissioner and the Vaccine Commander, Commissioner Christopher Dawson – encouraged His Grace to open his doors so that Perth’s Catholics can “stay safe” while they are fulfilling their Sunday obligation.

Staff from the Royal Perth hospital, getting ready to jab Catholics at the Cathedral. How do these people sleep at night?

“It’s an act of love”, the Freemason-friendly Archbishop Costelloe told media last year. “It’s for the common good.” Sure, if “common” means “everyone is doing it” and “good” means keeping the abortion industry in business.

“Abortion?” I hear you say. “But Archbishop Costelloe has assured us that these innoculations have nothing to do with abortion!” He has? Then His Grace is being somewhat untruthful.

There is some part of the community that is concerned that because the very early days of the development of the early discoveries which later led to the vaccines, there was some involvement of cells derived from aborted children. And of course, the Catholic Church’s position on abortion is very clear. …… [but it is licit] because of the remote nature of the origins of it and of the need to have it for the common good.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, PERTH CATHOLIC, Dec ’21.

Wow. Look at that attempt to distance the vex from abortion: “the early days of the development of the early discoveries which later led to the vaccines.” That certainly is something of a stretch.

Despite that obfuscation from His Grace, we know that Pfizer and Moderna used HEK cells at each stage of development. We also know that these Big Pharma companies lie – so they will only under-report the use of fetal cells, not over-report.

So, it hardly needs to be restated here that these experimental “vaccines” constitute proximate complicity with the grave evil of abortion, and not remote complicity, as the Archbishop would have us believe. The use of cells harvested from innocent children (sometimes while still alive) is not, as Costelloe suggests, confined to only one step in the drug’s development process way back in the dim, dark past.

As Children of God for Life remind us, “our obligation is to effectively oppose the use of aborted children in biomedical research” – not to go about jabbing initiates of the COVID cult.

The Cathedral’s Fr Fernandez getting his shot.
Does this……
… remind you of this?
….. or even of this??

Now, all of this is bad enough. But our Archbishop went above and beyond his usual pattern of ignoring Catholicism and embracing the world: he banned a group of faithful Catholics from praying outside the Cathedral while the jab clinic was open. (See the Facebook live video here – commentary begins around the 18 mins mark.)

According to the reporter, Cathedral security told the Rosary group, who had gathered to pray for the Church, that their prayers were considered a “protest.” The group were told that unless they stopped praying outside the building, the police would be called to move them on.

Imagine that: a Catholic Archdiocese would call police to move on Catholics who were praying. Unbelievable.

Strangely – and this really is odd: the Catholic group were given the alternative of praying inside the Cathedral grounds. So prayer inside the building is edifying while prayer outside the building is “protest”?

Apparently “conscience” is all well and good when it lines up with the right narrative. Should one’s conscience somehow not be invoked if it makes one oppose a prelate’s error? Then again, it wasn’t that long ago that Costelloe was throwing a Catholic school principal under the bus for refusing to get jabbed, so that tells us all we need to know about the post-conciliar canard of “conscience.”

Perhaps the only consolation in all of this is that the jabs weren’t given in the body of the church – so now the Cathedral parish centre can add “depopulation campaign” to the myriad occupations hosted there.

All smiles. But who foots the bill when a parishioner ends up with myocarditis? Or worse?

In an earlier article, I drew attention to the incongruence of many Catholics being only too willing to accept an invasive medical treatment at the behest of the Church, yet dismissing Church teaching on issues as important as birth control, because “celibate-men-have-no-right-to-tell-me-what-to-do” and, well, because babies are simply too much work. It’s that elastic “conscience” at work again.

Speaking of babies, we’ve all heard about “Safeguarding Children” and “Protecting The Most Vulnerable”. In fact, that’s about all we’ve heard from the Church for the past ten years – apart from the plethora of cultural Marxist talking points.

So now that the Western Australian government is pushing COVID-jabs on the 5-11-year-olds, will the clinic at St. Mary’s Cathedral soon be injecting children? If so, the Archbishop might want to get that Rosary group back to pray for him, pronto: when the children’s bodies start piling up, their parents are going to be far more vocal than those of the tiny little donor of HEK-293.

The Vatican, Epstein and Maxwell

In 2021, Pope Francis launched a joint venture between the Vatican and some wealthy technocrats known as the Council for Inclusive Capitalism. Heading up this synarchists’ dream is the uber-globalist, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild of, well, Rothschild fame.

Forester de Rothschild’s Coalition for Inclusive Capital is funded by, among others, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations – two influential proponents of population control and other nefarious agendas. (An interesting side note for Australian readers: one of the so-called “Guardians” of the Coalition is Sharan Burrow – a WEF associate and General Secretary of the International Trade Union Conference.)

De Rothschild also has links with the Clintons – and with Jeffrey Epstein. Prior to her marriage, Ms Forester had close ties with the Democrat party, and was a major fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign. Forester also worked for President Bill Clinton, on his National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee and on his Secretary of Energy Advisory Board. In 1995, she wrote to the former president, mentioning Epstein.

‘Dear Mr. President: It was a pleasure to see you recently at Senator Kennedy’s house.

‘There was too much to discuss and too little time. Using my fifteen seconds of access to discuss Jeffrey Epstein and currency stabilization, I neglected to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. Namely, affirmative action and the future’.

Lynn Forester to Bill Clinton, 1995

But that isn’t the end of Forester’s ties to Epstein: in 2000, Forester sold her Manhattan apartment to an anonymous corporation (this turned out to be the Terra Mar Project – *see below ) which was housed at the same address as Epstein’s New York office. It was quite the bargain at more than USD $8 million below market value and became the home of Ghislaine Maxwell until 2016.

Forester is said to have been close friends with Epstein, and is often credited with having introduced him to Bill Clinton. She was once a member of the McCain Institute (like many similarly incriminating records, the offending page has been scrubbed). One goal of the McCain Institute is to combat human sex-trafficking, but the organisation perversely, has many ties to Epstein and has apparently never exposed his crimes, even though its founder publicly acknowledged his guilt.

*Terra Mar was founded by Maxwell in 2012, and closed abruptly in 2019, just weeks after the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein. For more about Terra Mar and its potential links with child-trafficking, see here. And check out this video in which a UN spokesman says of Maxwell, “She controls the oceans…”. Incidentally, the TerraMar Project Youtube channel features a couple of videos lauding Pope Francis and his commitment to caring for our natural home, eg here and here.

There’s much, much more to learn about this highly-connected globalist, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, including the number of times her name pops up on the flight logs with or related to Epstein. Looks like Pope Francis didn’t do his homework on this one – or more likely – he just doesn’t care, protected, as he seems to be, by the most powerful technocrats of the day.

Anyway, all those rabbit holes make the “reptile people” seem like a welcome diversion.

So I’ll end on a slightly different note: Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein visiting the Vatican in 2003. They apparently met with Pope John Paul II, having flown in by private jet for a blessing. Video footage from a 2005 police raid of Epstein’s home shows the photograph among a group, arranged, most likely, to impress Epstein’s unsuspecting victims.

I can imagine the conversation:

“Buy the rights to this picture pronto, Ghislaine – I’ve got a feeling it will come in useful one day.”

“Er, Jeff, where you’re going to end up, not even the Pope can save you.”

Gotta love those watermarks – looks like The Sun wants full credit for the image. Sorry Jeff.

NOTE: credit goes to @JesseMatchey on Twitter for sharing much of this information.

Did Comensoli go full Illuminati for Christmas?

Disclaimer: this is not an accusation, merely an observation: I might be drawing a long bow, but hear me out and tell me what you think.

Take as the starting point the fact that 99% of Australia’s bishops didn’t say boo when it was discovered that the ACBC decided to officially allow Catholics to be Masons. And that 100% of them haven’t done a thing about it.

Then, think about the way secret society members like to communicate with each other: through gestures, symbols or by the use of loaded language – the “dog-whistle” effect.

Gestures like this …..
… this …..
…or this ……

Next, consider the Vatican News website: lately it’s been looking more a platform where ambitious prelates can audition for the future conclave: the “words of wisdom” and charitable works from papabiles around the world are being featured with predictable repetition. So too, it would seem, are those lesser prelates who might consider themselves in the running for a red hat at the next consistory.

So when Archbishop Comensoli popped up at Vatican News with the Christmas message he had prepared for his Archdiocese and he was not one of that 1% who objected to the Catholico-Masonic pact and it was full of ambiguous language, the red flags started a-flying. The desires of the Archbishop of Melbourne for such an office are well-known inside the tearooms of Australia’s chanceries: he takes every available opportunity of showing himself to be one of the Pope’s men – albeit, probably not one of his “wise” ones (another name for an occult practitioner.)

Now, obviously the Archbishop’s words are, to most Christians, completely innocent. Some of them are even beautiful. But it doesn’t take much for a part-time researcher like myself to suspect that they just might be designed to send a message to the Pope: I’m one of you and I’m ready.

Check out the three shadowy figures in the background. Accidental or another reference to “wise men”?

Call me sensitive, but don’t you agree that there’s just a little too much of the light/darkness imagery in this short text? The kind of imagery so dear to the hearts of the Masons and all those other Gnostics who believe themselves to be the “Enlightened” ones?

Another red flag flies when comments in the “as above/so below” vein are observed. For the trifecta, there’s a reference to “building bridges”: in these days of Jimmy Martin mania, the word “bridge” can be used by prelates to refer to one’s willingness to tolerate sodomites and other members of the alphabetati.

Have a look at the text and see what you think of use of the money-words: my count is:

  • “Light” – 16
  • “Shadows/darkness” – 4
  • “Sin” – 0. (Refresh my memory: exactly what was the the purpose of the Redemption?)

The one thing that Christmas trees and Christmas cribs have in common is a star or an Angel on top whose light shines down upon all that is beneath. Whether Christmas star or Angel, its light illumines what otherwise would remain in shadow. It reveals delights and gifts, warmth and hope; but most especially it reveals a child who would be the light of the world.

Whether it was by the light from heaven glorifying the shepherds, or the light in the heavens guiding the Magi, both the lowly and the mighty were led to ‘the Light’, under which all people could find illumination. In the manger, among the animals, the baby Jesus would open the eyes of shepherd and magi alike, for they hoped for the gift of this light, who would shine for all.

Christmas is the living memory of the greatest gift we have ever been given: that of the Christ-child, Emmanuel, who is “God-with-us”. He is the great gift of hope at Christmas: the gift of a God who is with us, who loves us and binds us together in all that is worth living for – and who remains with us, through thick and thin.

The old and wizened men of Jesus’ nativity – Zechariah, husband of Elizabeth, and Simeon, the prophet in the temple – both learned to see by His light. For Zechariah, Jesus was God’s dawning light for those caught up in the shadows of death, and a guide for our feet on the way to peace. For Simeon, Jesus was the revealing light of salvation to all the nations and the hope of glory for God’s people.

May Jesus, child of God and of Mary, and light to the nations, illumine the darkened regions of the world, and the shadowy places of the human heart. May we look to His light and find hope for our families, and for ourselves. May the light of Christmas – the light of Jesus – spread out its rays to bring reconciliation between enemies, to light up bridges over troubled waters; to reveal new ways towards renewed friendships.

A child; a light; a hope. May these be yours this Christmas.

Archbishop Peter Comensoli’s Christmas message, 2021

So, look – it could all be entirely innocent. Many a bishop uses dumbed-down doctrine without being guilty of dog-whistling. But it certainly did set one’s mind back to Coleridge’s memorable Christmas chat of 2019. (I’ve just written that one up in a separate article.)

So this site will be keeping an even closer eye on the Archbishop of Melbourne. This wouldn’t be the first time that a very serious line had been crossed by an ambitious cleric on the path to curia-stardom.

A Christmas Dog Whistle from Coleridge

 From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary: a ‘dog whistle’ is a coded message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others.

Writing about Archbishop Comensoli’s light-filled Christmas message brought back memories of Archbishop Coleridge’s very “enlightening” Christmas tidings of 2019. His 30 minute chat came in the form of a Facebook live event; I’m told some of the comments made at the time were quite confrontational – they no longer appear on the Facebook page, however.

A transcript of the most illuminative section is given below:

…The story of ancient Israel, very often, seemed hopeless, and time and time again, the Chosen People had to ‘rummage through the ruins’, as it were, in the search for a hope in the midst of what seemed to be a hopelessness.

And it’s really that ‘rummaging’ through a seemingly hopeless situation that generates the Bible that we have: a proclamation, not of a cheap hope, but a costly hope born always – and only – out of hopelessness.

And that’s why, in the beginning of the Bible, where we have the story of Creation, it begins in the darkness, the emptiness and the chaos. That’s always where the story of God-with-us begins. But this was the truth of ancient Israel’s history.

So that which is dark, empty and chaotic, that’s where we find – according to the Bible – real light, real fulness, and really, the order of God: the ‘great harmonics of love.’

Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane, December 2019.

Now traditionally, the idea of ordo ab chao or “order out of chaos” is not a Catholic one, or even a Christian one: it is a Freemasonic idea.

Ordo ab chao is, in fact, the motto of the thirty-third degree.

There is more of this veiled Masonic language in the segment, too, like a reference to the “light at the heart of very darkness” when commenting on the push for euthanasia that was happening that the time.

Lux in tenebris is a Christian concept, of course; it is intrinsic to the message of Christ coming into the world for our redemption. But the phrase has been coopted by the Masons and other Gnostics and therefore serves well for the purposes of dog-whistling – especially when used by a bishop.

So, Masonic infiltrator or pious pastor? Well, that’s not for me to say.

But any bishop who mentions the “great harmonics of love” after suggesting that we have to “rummage around” to find God in our lives, is pretty suspect. Especially when, a couple of years down the track, he fires his priests for refusing to submit to that big old medical experiment we know only too well.