The Clown-World Papacy

While faithful Catholics around the world are pre-occupied with a multitude of concerns such as how to pay their next utility bill, avoiding a random nuclear attack or wondering is their beloved TLM will be around next week, the Vatican continues to astonish with its commitment to pursuing worldly concerns and superfluity. Case in point, this article from VATICAN NEWS:

Pope invites 2,000 homeless, refugees and prisoners to the circus

Over 2,000 people are expected to attend a special circus show in Rome on 11 February as part of an initiative organized by the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, among whom will be refugee families from Ukraine, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan.

Pope Francis, through the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, has invited over 2,000 people to attend a special circus performance on Saturday, 11 February. The show will be performed by the Rony Roller circus company.

(Amove: an image included with the Vatican News report. Note the Luciferian ‘M’ hand sign, indicating membership in Freemasonry.)

According to a statement by the Dicastery (also known as the Apostolic Alms Office), the people invited include refugees, homeless, prisoners, and refugee families with children from Ukraine, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan.

There will also be some families living in squattered buildings in Rome, and more than 150 homeless people living in the streets of the Roman suburb of Torvaianica and in various dormitories. They will be accompanied by volunteers, including the Sisters of Charity of Mother Teresa.

“Allowing these people to attend the show is a way of giving a few hours of serenity to those who face hardships and need help to sustain hope”,  the Papal Almoner Cardinal Konrad Krajewski explains in the statement. “As the Pope said when meeting artists, the Circus puts us in touch with the beauty that always cheers us up and makes us go beyond difficulties, it is a way to reach the Lord.”

The show also reminds of the countless hours of training and sacrifices behind this art and this beauty: “The artists of the circus confirm to us that persevering can make the impossible possible”, Cardinal Krajewski said.

There is art and beauty in a circus? Who knew? Why not show them through the Sistine Chapel instead, or have the St Peter’s choir sing some Palestrina?

Regarding the subtle yet distinctive Masonic gesture – hidden in plain sight – here are some more samples: to the left, Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons. To the right is, I believe, Christopher Columbus.

Here are a couple of circus members with the magician who sometimes appears with them. Make what you will of that hand gesture.

The Curia should remember that only Cardinals have voting rights at the next conclave – hypnotising or bribing the disadvantaged will be of no help on that fateful day.

Pope Francis on the spot over Freemasonry

SOURce: LifeSiteNews

Italian Freemasons have said they will appeal to Pope Francis for support, after the local Catholic bishop re-iterated the Catholic Church’s condemnation on Freemasonry in light of renewed Masonic activity in the area.

Local Freemasons in the Archdiocese of Chieti-Vasto in eastern Italy have declared that they will seek “rapid and active intervention” from Pope Francis, after Archbishop Bruno Forte reminded the archdiocese of the Catholic Church’s strict ban on participating in Masonic activities.

On February 7, Forte issued a letter to his archdiocese in which he presented the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) 1983 document on Masonry. 

Forte stated that: “the condemnation of Freemasonry remains unchanged; second, Catholics who belong to a lodge are in a state of grave sin and cannot take communion; third, no exceptions are allowed.”

His letter was prompted by renewed, public activities organized by Masons of the Sovereign Arabian Phoenix lodge in Forte’s archdiocese, including a conference at the Iacone hotel on “Francesco d’Assisi: mysticism or esotericism?”

Many locals protested the conference, calling the Masons “absolute evil.” The venerable master Ginevra Di Nicola stated that the protests represented “social hatred.” Di Nicola added that the Masons would “invite Bruno Forte to our next meeting.” 

“We are not a religious creed but we believe in a superior being whom we call the ‘great architect of the universe’ who created everything,” said Di Nicola. “We are a brotherhood that embraces every religious belief.”

Days later, Forte – who has led the archdiocese since 2004 – issued his letter which consisted chiefly of the text of the CDF’s 1983 document. That text – signed by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and approved by Pope John Paul II – reads:

Therefore, the Church’s negative judgment regarding Masonic associations remains unchanged, since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with Church doctrine and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and cannot access Holy Communion.

The CDF’s ruling further adds that local bishops cannot issue documents which in some way differ from the firm line presented by the CDF regarding the Catholic Church’s relationship with Masonry. “It is not for local ecclesiastical authorities to pronounce on the nature of Masonic associations with a judgment that implies derogation from the above, and this is in line with the Declaration of this Holy Congregation of February 17, 1981.”

In response, the Masonic lodge declared that they would appeal to Pope Francis to intercede on their behalf against Forte. “We will turn to Pope Francis to ask for his swift and proactive intervention in this diatribe, which damages our honorability and, on balance, threatens our security,” Di Nicola told local news.

The Mason also directly quoted from Pope Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti, citing paragraph 46: “It must be recognized that fanaticisms that lead to the destruction of others also have religious people as protagonists, not excluding Christians, who may participate in networks of verbal violence.”

Such a tactic is noteworthy: Francis’ Fratelli Tutti promotes a “Universal Brotherhood” and also links back to his controversial 2019 Abu Dhabi document on Human Fraternity. Both texts have been widely criticized by Catholics since their publication. Former Papal Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò notably wrote that Francis’s concept of fraternity was “theologically blasphemous.”

A prominently vocal German priest also described the text as being interwoven with “Masonic” ideology. Francis’s push for religions to be on an equal footing, Father Frank Unterhalt noted was a key element of Masonic goals:

The striving for universal ecumenism of religions has always been a concern of Freemasonry on the way to its actual goal, namely to bring about the breakthrough of that self-constructed religion in which all human beings are supposedly in agreement.

Indeed, following Fratelli Tutti’s publication, it was welcomed by the Masonic Lodge of Spain, who stated it was “the latest encyclical” of Pope Francis in which he “embraces the Universal Fraternity, the great principle of Modern Freemasonry.”

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The link between Freemasonry and sodomy.

The video below came from this Bitchute account and shows the famous ex-Mason, Bill Schnoebelen, speaking about the connection between Freemasonry and sodomy. Although disturbing, it highlights the obsession of many occult-masters with trying to access hidden knowledge via the depraved act of sodomising children. As the video mentions, this practise was a favourite habit of the evil magician, Aleister Crowley.

As unpleasant as it is to consider, this link may explain the parallel rise of both sodomites and Masons within the Catholic Church.

Further Posthumous Humiliation of Pope Benedict

After the death of the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, Bergoglio lost no time in rewriting history to hide the fact that he is acting in complete opposition to Tradition. For example, on one of his many ‘Magisterial’ in-flight press conferences, Bergoglio tried to convince us that he and Benedict were besties and that his NWO apostasy agenda had the full support of poor Ratzinger.

This posthumous campaign against the previous Pope ramped up a notch when the current Vatican hierarchy now has its true opinion of Benedict literally etched in stone.

Rome Reports shared the time-lapse video of an artist creating a disturbing bust of the Pope Emeritus from a previous bust made by him. The first version had apparently been rejected by the Vatican because of its hollow, soulless eyes. [It is perhaps of note that having one’s eyes plucked out is a penalty in several degrees of Freemasonry for the violating of one’s oaths.] Apart from that perturbing detail, the statue had some artist merit, being a decent likeness of Ratzinger, and presented with the dignity merited by a Pontiff.

The updated version, however, reminds one of those hideous displays of preserved cadavers that are popular among the avant-garde and their luciferian hangers-on. As shown the in the video, the artist has chipped away his subject’s clothing, leaving the emaciated flesh of an elderly man. Stripped of all dignity in this way, the result is something almost less than a man, or perhaps ore accurately, of a lonely and despairing man without anyone to care for him and cover his nakedness.

It is this shameful image that was awarded a prize by the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts. Although the artist, Jacopo Cardillo, says that he loved the former Pope, the thumbnail image on the video showing him staring intently at his work, reveals anything but love.

Cardillo named the original bust, ‘Habemus Papam’, while the new version is called ‘Habemus Hominem’. I think you will agree that ‘Habemus Abominamentum’ is a far more accurate description. Cardillo is apparently a ‘self-taught’ artist who created ‘Habemus Papem’ at the age of 23. He was fascinated by the legendary ‘Veiled Christ’ sculpture, which is said to have been wrought by the aid of alchemy. He also seems to have a thing for sculpting fetuses, both living and dead. The source of his talent I will leave to your imagination.