Catholics to invoke any old god for Climate Justice

“There’s no justice, there’s just us.” That barely-relevant slogan once graced the side of a building I had to pass by frequently and it came to my mind as I pondered the latest time-wasting venture from Australia’s failing hierarchy: prayers for the end of fossil fuels.

Who on earth comes up with these ideas? Most likely it was a couple of highly-paid professional Catholic women who met at a Laudato Si’ conference.

“Hey Karen, let’s have a multi-faith service at the Cathedral (Perth – no surprises there) to ask God to stop approvals for new coal and gas projects and for an end to public subsidies for fossil fuel industries.”

“Susie, that is a fantastic idea. Spirit is really moving today, isn’t She? Let’s do some chanting, congregational singing, meditation and prayers from a range of traditions. We’ll get Hermione from the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change to organise everything and we can be welcoming to people of all faiths and none.”

“But Karen, what if our supporters don’t live in Perth?”

“No problem, Susie – we’ll hold similar events all across Australia and the Pacific in a day of action showing grassroots endorsement of the climate action open letter already sent to the PM. Supporters can hold prayer, meditation and fasting vigils throughout the night. We’ll also remind everyone about the Vatican’s Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty!”

“Awesome, Karen. But what about those pesky trad climate-deniers who are sure to make a fuss about us not using the Church for something …. you know …. Catholic?”

“Easy-peasy, Susie. We’ll be sure to arrange it for an important Marian feast day to teach them a little lesson about priorities.”

“Right. They’re always talking about hell – don’t they know that in just a few short millenia, the temperature will have crept up another 1.5 degrees, which is literally hell on earth?!”

You get it. They don’t. More than ever, penance is needed on behalf of Holy Mother Church.

‘Tis the Season for Gaia worship

The Pope’s 2022 “Season of Creation” has just kicked off: it runs from September 1 to October 4th. Those dates are pretty handy for all the Wiccan nuns involved in the Church since the Spring/Autumn Equinox falls smack in the middle of the “Season”. But that’s just a coincidence.

Its theme is “Listen to the Voice of Creation”, which sounds like another Gnostic attempt at ‘discovering’ what God really wanted all along, diluting the Faith and getting us ready for the One World Religion.

The “Season” kicked off with a World Day of Prayer of which only the most obsequious parishes took any notice: the others were too preoccupied with trying to pay their utility bills.

The European bishops contributed by showing their devotion to The Science with an alarmist statement written in the style of Paul Erlich or Al Gore:

“Our own Europe has been faced with a genuine environmental catastrophe that, in 97% of cases, is attributable to the actions of man. In the 27 countries within the European Union, according to a recent estimate, fires have already devastated a total of 517,881 hectares since the beginning of the year, compared to 470,359 the previous year. Scholars are already hypothesising the transition from our era (Anthropocene) to the next one, to which they have already given the name “pyrocene”, the effects of which are already visible considering that CO2 emissions have reached levels that the planet has not known for well over 3 million years.

3 million years, eh? The author of Genesis might have something to say about that. Speaking of Moses, the symbol for this year’s Season is the burning bush. Its creators tell us why:

“Today, the prevalence of unnatural fires are a sign of the devastating effects that climate change has on the most vulnerable of our planet. Creation cries out as forests crackle, animals flee, and people are forced to migrate due to the fires of injustice.

They certainly have a thing about fire, don’t they? Then again, considering where most of them will be spending the afterlife, it’s no wonder that these heretics are predicting a “pyrocene” future.

Below is another little snippet from the “Season of Creation” website. I really don’t know what it means except that it isn’t helpful and it isn’t Catholic. It isn’t true, either, since the voices calling for “protection of the Earth from anthropogenic climate change” are among the loudest in society these days. Muted, on the other hand, are the voices of traditional and faithful Catholics.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many have become familiar with the concept of being muted in conversations. Many voices are muted in public discourse around climate change and the ethics of Earth-keeping.

These are voices of those who suffer the impacts of climate change. These are voices of people who hold generational wisdom about how to live gratefully within the limits of the land. These are voices of a diminishing diversity of more-than-human species. It is the voice of the Earth.

If Bergoglio had put as much effort into promoting the concerns of the Holy Trinity as he has to promoting Gaia, the Church – and he world – would be in a much better place.

Pope: Sweet song of praise for Creation has become 'anguished plea'
“A sower went out to sow” ….. dissent.

Coleridge wants all his priests to worship Mother Earth.

In typical Masonic fashion, Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane is busy focussing on the things of this world, rather than those of eternity. Last May, even before the woeful and pantheistic Plenary Assembly, +Coleridge wrote to his priests announcing that the entire Archdiocese would be implementing the Pope’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan. This “Action Plan” is nothing other than the Catholic version of the United nations Sustainability Goals – not that it’s really possible to worship both God and the environment.

Here is the text of the letter Archbishop Coleridge wrote to his parish priests:

This week you will receive a video of my homily for Pentecost Sunday, June 5th. You might consider playing it at Masses on the day. June 5th is also World Environment Day, and the Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan will be uploaded to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, which is the result of a collaboration between the Holy See’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and almost 200 Catholic bodies and organisations worldwide.

The Plan commits the Archdiocese to seven years of action under seven goals: response to the cries of the earth, response to the cries of the poor, ecological economics, living a sustainable lifestyle, ecological education, ecological spirituality, community empowerment and resilience.

We are not starting from scratch. Much hard work has been done to respond to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor for many years in parishes, schools and agencies. This Plan will build on the hard work that has been done already.

All seven goals are important but a commitment to ecological spirituality and ecological education is fundamental.

The current Plan is focused on action for the next twelve months. Various Archdiocesan agencies will take responsibility for the actions included in the Plan, but parishes will be provided with their own resources and opportunities, as well as support to take their own action locally.

In addition, parishes wanting to explore the possibility of developing their own Laudato Si’ Action Plan will be offered support to do this. If your parish does not have the capacity to develop its own Plan at this stage, support can be offered to assist you to build a commitment over time according to local needs and circumstances.

In this troubled time, the whole of humanity faces major social and environmental challenges. The Church has a part to play in facing these challenges, and we have a unique contribution to make. I strongly urge you to look at the Archdiocesan Laudato Si’ Action Plan and to make the most of the opportunities offered to parishes as the Plan is implemented. You can find out more information about the Laudato Si’ Action Plan at


As we approach the day of Pentecost, may the Holy Spirit, working through us, renew the face of the earth.

Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane. May 30, 2022.

Readers will note that “ecological spirituality” is the Archbishop’s priority as well as the “ecological education” needed to brainwash pewsitters into accepting this hogwash.

Where’s the Action Plan for solid catechesis? The Action Plan for eliminating liturgical abuse? For weeding out the sodomites from within the clergy?

They don’t exist, of course. Instead, all the Church’s energies will be put into promoting the worship of Mother Earth. But this should come as no surprise. The climate change Trojan Horse is merely the latest in a long line of campaigns launched from within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church because there is no other way to weaken Her than through infiltration.

But the sustainably-sourced gates of hell will never prevail against Her.