Masonic-flavoured honours for the Pope

From Aldo Maria Valli at the website, duc in Altum

(and run through Google Translate). Please do visit Valli’s excellent site for the inside story on all things Romanita.

“Thank you for such a warm welcome. And see you at the Jubilee, see you all there!”. The Pope thus took his leave, off the cuff, from the Capitoline Hill, where a plaque was placed in memory of his visit, the second after that of 26 March 2019. Then looking outside, Francis greeted with words slightly different from those usual. He said “and don’t forget to pray for me”, but immediately added: “For sure!”. Evidently he too knows well that certain prayers, especially among those raised by the Vatican and surrounding areas, are not exactly motivated by the desire that he can enjoy a long happy life.

In his speech [ here ], Francis, speaking about slavery, warned against “the fact that also occurs in our days, when, almost unconsciously, we sometimes risk being selective and partial in the defense of human dignity, marginalizing or discarding some categories of people who end up finding themselves without adequate protection”.

Coming from Bergoglio, who behaves like a tyrant, punishing and marginalizing left and right, making a mockery of the law, they sound like mocking words. But perhaps that is precisely why he asked to pray for him. Because he begins to feel the weight of the not exactly benevolent prayers of all those who have fallen under the blows of his mercy.

The text of the plaque placed in memory of today’s visit is significant: “To His Holiness Francis, successor of Peter and bishop of Rome, promoter of care of the common home and witness of universal brotherhood”. A tribute that could be perfect for any Freemason.

Bergoglio’s false Mary, Undoer of Knots.

Some information new to this website from the well-known Italian journalist, Andrea Cionci. Cionci wrote it a couple of years ago – the entire article can be read here. As readers of this site are aware, I am not wont to call Francis an anti-Pope or usurper: in my opinion he can inflict similar damage on the Church whether legitimately elected as Pope, or illegitimately. Cionci makes no secret of his opinion and has written an entire book on the subject – but that is not the theme of the present article.

Andrea Cionci has apparently held reservations about the devotion to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots for some time. He claims that it is based on an spell, known variously as the Witch’s Knot, Magic of the Nine Knots, or Magic Ladder. Cionci also says that it was Bergoglio who began to spread this devotion in the ’80’s. I can’t speak to that, but agree that the image shown here is quite bizarre.

The image, which is not a painting but a bas-relief, was presented to Pope Francis by the President of Argentina, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, in 2015. Closeups of the image came from here and show some disturbing details.

For example, “Mary” is depicted with a bare shoulder: something never seen in images of the Most Holy Mother of God, who is the epitome of modesty. She is surrounded by five-pointed stars rather than the traditional six-pointed ones. The angel offends against decency & metaphysics: although angels are pure spirits and therefore without gender, this one is shown with bare breasts.

Cionci points out that the foot of “Mary” does not crush the serpent’s head, but is at best, not touching it, and at worse, caressing it. And as seen in the main photograph, the snake itself is tied in a knot.

According to Cionci, the snake-loving, anti-Mary figure resembles the occult figure, Lilith – these days a feminist icon of sexual domination and originally known in Jewish mysticism as the first wife of Adam. Lilith is often linked with the moon and is also associated with snakes. She is said to be responsible for inflicting illness or death on newborn babies. She is also associated with adultery and lust, showing another link with the “Witch’s Knot” which is tied to reproduction and fertility.

It is all very strange. And President Kirchner? After her meeting with the Pope, she exclaimed to the waiting journalists that she felt “illuminated from within” !!


Bergoglio was “too radical” to be elected in 2005

from the website of Marco Tosatti: english translation

Dear Tosatti, I am an Anglican prelate converted to the Catholic faith. When I read something in the newspaper headlines that refers to our Church and Pontiff, I hurry to read the content immediately, before reading other important news. Why? Because what, in my opinion, explains almost everything that has happened in the world for ten years is linked to the history in the same period of our dear Church which I also joined (Pope was Saint John Paul II), in the footsteps of Saint John Henry Newman ( in 1845. But what have I ever done!) .

Never more than in these last ten years have we felt (at least I am a new convert) the lack of a Moral Authority, an authority of the Catholic Church that speaks to the world about the Truth, inviting it to pursue it. And yet we had a very strong and very clear “warning” thanks to the courageous Cardinals who proposed DUBIA I and II. (the first, 2017, without an answer, the second, 2023, with “disturbing” answer). DUBED, ignored, even mocked and despised. Intolerable! But what have I ever done?

In a recent interview, Pope Francis (I apologize, I don’t remember who he gave it to) explains that it was he who appointed Card. Ratzinger in the 2005 Conclave). Exhilarating! and above all not true. I was an involuntary and indirect witness to it.

In 2005 a group of Eminent Cardinals wanted to support Bergoglio’s nomination. It was the great Jesuit cardinal Carlo M. Martini who dissuaded them and instead proposed the card. Ratzinger. The reasons, in short, that were confided to me, were that the former Archbishop of Milan would have considered this appointment a disaster for the Jesuits (it even seems that he had said something like: <if they elect him Pope, we Jesuits will, in fact, come , “suppressed” as in 1773, this time not for 40 years, but at least for 200 years…>).

Who the current Pontiff was and what he had done in his previous roles in Argentina is well known, with testimonies. Who wanted it and why, it is difficult to prove and testify, but in the very days of his appointment to the Papal Throne, therefore well before he began to govern the Church, it was explained from many quarters what his task would be. 100% done. There was even a book published by a French intellectual who joked about the consequences of the choice. Benedict had to renounce so that Francis could be Pope. Francis had to be Pope because Benedict would never have allowed the Church to support the choices of destruction of Christian Civilization that were subsequently made.

Perhaps many Catholics still have not understood that what needed to be destroyed (beyond faith, of course) is Christian Civilization. Well, I really fear that many of you Catholics haven’t understood this yet, you look at the finger but you don’t understand what it indicates.

I would also like to make a critical observation on the behavior of some prelates who are preparing for the (supposed) change of pontificate, expressing negative assessments of the pontificate, all of a sudden and with suspicious delay. “Maramaldesque” assessments, dear Tosatti, and not at all acceptable. I explain the expression “maramaldesca”, which means “vile”. On his arrival in Italy in 1527, Charles V, Catholic emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, eager to punish Pope Clement VII (Giulio de Medici for having joined the Cognac League (pro-French and anti-Habsburg), had hired the Landsknecht (Protestant) mercenaries who they carried out the famous “sack of Rome” and brought the plague throughout Italy. During the siege of Florence in 1530 the famous Maramaldo (Neapolitan mercenary) attacked the commander Francesco Ferrucci, already wounded and half dead on the ground, skewering him (“vile! you kill a dead man”, Ferrucci told him). Here, dear Tosatti, until yesterday everyone (except for a very few) were sock lickers and allowed everything that appeared to happen. Now they are all courageously critical, with interviews and even with books (not credible ) referring to the previous Pope, post-mortem, of course.

It is curious that apart from the famous Cardinals of the DUBIA and a few others, only in this moment of progressive weakening of Francis, some “neo-courageous” ones, suffering from the “Maramaldesque” contagion, are slowly beginning to emerge. This is not exemplary and leaves us fearing even worse times ahead.. Thank you for this hospitality.

His Hugo AGW


from the Facebook page of fr. Jesusmary Missigbètò

Concerning the truth about Pope Francis and his moral and doctrinal errors

Part 6; 29 March 2024; Good Friday

Dear faithful Catholics throughout the world,

This letter is the last in a series of six dedicated to explaining Pope Francis’ moral and doctrinal errors and their logical implications. After analysing why Pope Francis is a heretic, a false doctor, a false pastor, a false prophet, a false pope, a new Judas, a new Martin Luther, a new devil, we finally need to see why Francis is probably a member of ecclesiastical Masonry or is influenced by ecclesiastics who are members.

1. The Catholic Church and ecclesiastical Masonry

There is no doubt that for many centuries there has been a Masonic project to control the Catholic Church and divert it from its mission of saving the world. St. Maximilian Kolbe gives an interesting account of this in the notes he took during his stay in Rome. In 1917, he saw several blasphemous Masonic processions shouting songs in honour of Satan, and leaflets were distributed in Saint Peter’s Square reading: “Satan must reign in the Vatican and the Pope must be his servant”. On 14 November 2007, Our Lady of Anguera said: “The day will come when perverse men will occupy privileged space in the House of the Lord. It will be these who will draw into the Church the one who opposes Christ. It will be the time when the Sacred will be cast out and the faithful will be persecuted. Few will remain steadfast in the faith, but through these few, God will bring forth great hope for his people” (2.916). Who is Our Lady of Anguera talking about? Many analysts think it is about ecclesiastical Masonry, i.e. priests, bishops and cardinals who outwardly give the impression of being with Jesus but are in reality his enemies, since they pervert the Christian life by encouraging immoral behaviour, errors in the traditional teaching of the Church and the promotion of their fellow men to important positions in the Church. What is their greatest ambition? To install at the top of the Church a pope who helps to ‘masonicise’ the Church, i.e. to put the Church at the service of the aspirations of Masonry in this world.

Is Francis opposed to Christ (Truth)? Yes, of course. Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this open letter have given proof of this by presenting and explaining his moral and doctrinal errors. In addition, his obstinate refusal to rectify his errors since 2016 leads us to believe that he wants to leave them as seeds that will install spiritual lukewarmness among Christians and slowly destroy the Catholic Church from within, which would be precisely an objective of ecclesiastical Masonry [1]. Does Francis have anything to do with the phrase “the Sacred will be cast out and the faithful will be persecuted”? Some analysts see in this the motu propio Traditionis custodes (16 July 2021) which, in the universal Church, has unleashed a veritable persecution of the traditional Mass and of the faithful who celebrate it, and is gradually causing the celebration of this Mass to disappear in all modern churches. Is it really legitimate to think that Masonry finally has ‘its pope’ in the person of Francis? The answer seems to be “yes”, because by emphasising mercy, he has discreetly and cunningly inserted Masonic principles [2] into the traditional teaching of the Church, unbeknownst to the vast majority of Christians. Here is the proof…

2. Pope Francis is probably a member of ecclesiastical Masonry or is influenced by ecclesiastics who are members

Masonry is spreading the idea of universal brotherhood united with a relativistic mentality, Francis too. With the Abu Dhabi Declaration or Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together (4 February 2019) and the Encyclical Fratelli tutti on fraternity and social friendship (3 October 2020), the Argentine Pope has called for universal human fraternity. This first aspect is not opposed to the Christian faith, since all human beings are brothers and sisters and therefore children of the same God. The problem is the second aspect: relativism. This is very characteristic of Masonry. In concrete terms, it implies a situational ethic and the primacy of individual conscience over the moral law. On various occasions, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has emphasised the relativistic nature of Masonry and its incompatibility with Christianity: “Even if it is stated that relativism is not assumed as dogma, nevertheless there is really proposed a relativistic symbolic concept… firm adherence to the truth of God, revealed in the Church, becomes simple membership, in an institution, considered as a particular expressive form alongside other expressive forms, more or less just as possible and valid, of man’s turning toward the eternal. The temptation to go in this direction is much stronger today, inasmuch as it corresponds fully to certain convictions prevalent in contemporary mentality. The opinion that truth cannot be known is a typical characteristic of our era and, at the same time, an essential element in its general crisis” [3]. Samuël Tomei explains, in an excellent article, the link that Pope Benedict XVI has established between Masonry and relativism [4].

In the intellectual field, Masonry inherits the Enlightenment and stipulates that no person, society or religion can claim to know or possess the truth about the world or a supra-sensible being, which implies a pluralism of conceptions, all equally valid. In the field of sexuality, Masonry accepts a pluralism of sexualities and therefore transsexuality, homosexuality and homosexual cohabitation laws, a concept of love that considers homosexual affectivity to be equal to heterosexual love, a concept of marriage and family that considers the common life of homosexual persons to be equal to the homes of heterosexual couples. In the field of life, Masonry accepts a pluralism of free choices authorising euthanasia, abortion, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, birth control and anti-natalist measures such as contraception. In the field of religions, Masonry accepts a religious pluralism which considers that no religion can affirm that it possesses a supernatural truth or claim that it must be followed by all humanity. Unfortunately, Masonic relativism has been imported into the Catholic Church through ecclesiastical Masonry and affects the understanding and celebration of the Christian sacraments. Baptism is no longer considered necessary for salvation. Consequently, the traditional “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” is rejected, while Jesus’ missionary mandate is minimised or even cancelled. Good proselytism, respectful of freedom and proposing Christianity as the definitive religion willed by God for all mankind, is then considered disrespectful and bad. Christianity is seen and presented as one religion among others, and it must not be said that it has a universal vocation. As far as the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist are concerned, ecclesiastical Masonry removes all the legitimate restrictions that the Church traditionally places on access to them (conversion and penance for Confession, a state of grace for the Eucharist) and, by relying on individual conscience, allows anyone, even unbaptized, to receive these sacraments if he so wish.

Strangely enough, all these relativistic principles are perfectly reflected in the main errors of Francis’ magisterium. Where do we see more relativism and situation ethics in Francis? In Amoris laetitia (19 March 2016) and in the letter of the Argentinian bishops (5 September 2016) validated by Francis and published as “magisterium authenticum” (5 June 2017). Several university professors and experts in History, Theology, Morality and Canon Law have written filial corrections in which they have collected the relativistic phrases of Francis contained in these two documents [5]. Let us now study Bergoglio’s other reforms…

The hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) that Francis adopted on 10 December 2018, together with Cardinal Ladaria and Archbishop Morandi, constitutes the first anti-natalist measure of the Catholic Church and the first error of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Unfortunately, by insisting on the expression “spontaneous abortion”, this new hysterectomy has been presented to Christians in such a cunning way that many do not realise its gravity. According to Francis, Ladaria and Morandi, the desire to avoid spontaneous abortion implies that a fertile woman who has sexual relations can have her uterus removed when there is no present or future danger to her health and when a group of medical experts certify that all her children will die before birth. Let us remember that spontaneous abortion is a natural death, and therefore not imputable to the woman as a moral fault. Let us also remember that, by nature, all human beings are mortal, and therefore the children of all women in the world past, present and future are necessarily mortal either before or after birth. So we will not fall into the situation ethics of Francis, Ladaria and Morandi and we will not accept an immoral hysterectomy, which is in reality a direct sterilisation prohibited by divine laws [6].

On 21 December 2018, by saying that “one is not born a saint, one becomes one, and this also applies” to “Our Lady”, Francis relativised Mary’s original sanctity. On 4 February 2019, by affirming that “the pluralism and the diversity of religions… are a wise divine will”, Francis expressed his religious relativism, which denies the specificity of Christianity as the definitive religion willed by God for all humanity [7] and minimises or cancels out the Christian duty of evangelising the world. Here we can recall the many statements in which Francis rejects all proselytism without specifying that we should not reject good proselytism, which respects the freedom of individuals and offers Christianity to everyone by following the missionary mandate of Jesus Christ: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” [8].

Francis’ sexual relativism, discreetly attacking marriage and the family, can be appreciated in his zeal for homosexual cohabitation laws, of which he has become the international apostle, given his numerous interventions in favour of these laws, for which St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI had asked Christians to show their “absolute personal opposition” otherwise they would be committing a “gravely immoral” [9] act. On 21 October 2020, speaking of homosexual persons, Francis said: “what we have to do is a civil coexistence law”. On 15 September 2021, 5 February 2023, 10-11 March 2023, and even more recently, on 19 March 2024, he returned to the same idea, encouraging humanity to adopt this kind of law. Francis’ sexual relativism also came to the fore when he asked priests to perform “blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex” (18 December 2023), couples which in reality are based on adultery, fornication or sodomy. This sexual relativism can also be seen when Francis establishes equality between homosexual affectivity and heterosexual love by saying of homosexual persons living together: “I bless two persons who love each other” (8 February 2024); “they live the gift of love” (19 March 2024). It is really a pity that Francis does not ask himself a very simple and obvious question: “How do they love each other?” The truth is that what he calls “love” is neither a love nor a gift from God but an affective disorder. In fact, it is a sexual desire and a sexual practice that do not conform to God’s will and are different from the noble love of friendship, which desires the good of others and necessarily refuses to subject them to an unnatural sexual practice.

The relativism of Francis in the access to the sacraments and the indirect promotion of abortion can be observed. First, with Alberto Fernández, a remarried divorcee and pro-abortion former president of Argentina, who met him at the Vatican and who, with his partner Fabiola Yáñez, received the Holy Eucharist there in a Mass celebrated by Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (31 January 2020). Later, Francis authorised Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to receive the Holy Eucharist without having to reject their commitment to abortion (15 September 2021, 9 October 2021, 29 October 2021). Let us also not forget that the number of times Francis preaches mercy without mentioning conversion and repentance is incalculable. He often repeats “in the Church, there is room for everyone, everyone, everyone”, referring to the parable of the wedding feast of the king’s son, but he usually does not speak about the conclusion of this parable, which requires conversion and repentance [10]. Francis’ mercy is therefore false because it is incomplete and constitutes a half-truth that is different from the mercy of Jesus [11].

Two elements need to be considered before concluding this analysis, as they raise legitimate questions. The first is the fact that, since 1999, Francis is an honorary member of the Rotary Club, usually considered close to Masonic lodges. Why such a membership when the Church has expressly forbidden it to ecclesiastics since 1951? [12] Here is the second element: in a television show (‘La Mirada’ by Roberto García, Canal 26, 27 November 2017), Ambassador Juan Bautista Yofre (Tata) recalled that an Argentine television station (La Nación) had published a telephone call in which the head of Vatican intelligence in Argentina claimed that he and Francis are members of Masonry [13]. Since this information was made public to all Argentinians, why did neither Francis nor the Vatican deny it if it was false? Why did not they take legal action against ‘La Nación’ or Ambassador Yofre for defamation? The current subject is a sensitive one because it has important consequences. As all Christians have the right to know the truth, it is up to the College of Cardinals and the College of Bishops to confirm to them that relativism and the situation ethic have indeed been inserted into the traditional teaching of the Church and to what extent ecclesiastical Masonry has contributed to this. Will these colleges have the courage to investigate? In fact, membership of Masonry by a Catholic is prohibited and sanctioned by excommunication [14]. Some analysts believe that the recent reminder of this prohibition and sanction, through an official response from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (13 November 2023), as well as the Vatican’s rejection of a new Lebanese Masonic ambassador (October 2017), could help to silence the suspicions hanging over Pope Francis and Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Anyway, the convergence between the errors of Francis and the aspirations of ecclesiastical Masonry is incontestable. To deny this reality is, in the beautiful words of Cardinal Joseph Zen, “truly an offense to our intelligence”. What is the cause of this astonishing convergence? Why does the magisterium of the relativist pope implement the Masonic ideal in the Catholic Church today? From a scientific point of view, there are only three possible hypotheses: either it is a pure coincidence of two erroneous visions that have met today and see their similarities, or Francis is a member of ecclesiastical Masonry and has simply fulfilled the mission of his association, or Francis has been unknowingly influenced by ecclesiastics who are members of Masonry. It is quite possible that Pope Francis and the Vatican do not agree with the above statements. But in this case, it would be good for them to explain to the Christian People what other hypothesis could justify the convergence between Francis’ errors and the ideals of ecclesiastical Masonry, since this convergence is scientifically undeniable for any intellectually honest theologian. On the other hand, let us remember that the Catholic Church has enemies, but loves everyone, following the advice of her Divine Founder [15]. Let us therefore pray for the members of Masonry, that they may have the grace to abandon relativism and experience the happiness of being totally Christian: “Only Jesus Christ is, in fact, the Teacher of Truth, and only in him can Christians find the light and the strength to live according to God’s plan, working for the true good of their brethren” [16]. Finally, let us thank the Lord for having given us the strength to live this Lenten season by offering him forty days of prayer and fasting for Francis’ total conversion to the truth.

Your African brother, Fr. Janvier Gbénou

Pen name: Fr. Jesusmary Missigbètò;

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Truth, Threads, Instagram, TikTok, SoundCloud: @fatherjesusmary


[1] Cf. Taylor Marshall, Infiltration: the plot to destroy the Church from within, Crisis Publications, 2019

[2] Cf. Claude Delbos, Humanisme 2013/3, n° 300, pp. 45-51

[3] Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 11 March 1985

[4] Cf. Humanisme 2013/2, n° 299, pp. 94-97

[5] Cf. Open Letter to the College of Cardinals, 29 June 2016, 45 signatories; Filial Correction to Pope Francis, 16 July 2017, 62 signatories; Open Letter to the Bishops, April 2019, 20 signatories; etc.

[6] Cf. my 3rd open letter, 25 March 2022

[7] Cf. John 14:6; Declaration Dominus Iesus 13, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 6 August 2000

[8] Matthew 28:19-20

[9] Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 3 June 2003, 10

[10] “when the king came in to meet the guests he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment. He said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’ But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.’ Many are invited, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:11-14)

[11] “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15); “I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.” (Luke 5:32); “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” (John 8:11)

[12] Cf. Decree of the Holy Office, 11 January 1951

[13], the information appears at minute 27:40

[14] Cf. Encyclical Humanum genus, Pope Leo XIII, 20 April 1884; Code of Canon Law 1917, canon 2335; Documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 17 February 1981, 26 November 1983, 11 March 1985

[15] “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44)

[16] Document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 11 March 1985

Critical Review of Francis Bergoglio’s autobiographical book

This was sent to me by the secretary of the Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, with a request that it be published on my site. Although I don’t share the view that we have the authority to denounce Bergoglio as pope, I nevertheless sympathise with those who place themselves outside the institutional church in these troubled times. That said, I am in agreement with many of the sentiments written below. NOTE that THe italicised commentary is part of the original document.

The media report that Bergoglio’s autobiographical book spanning over 300 pages is set to be released on 19 March 2024. In the book, Bergoglio mentions his resignation, stressing that in this respect it is “a distant hypothesis”, since he says there are “no serious reasons” for his resignation.
Commentary: As early as 2018, Bergoglio and his homo-network were publicly called upon to resign by C. M. Viganò, Nuncio Emeritus to the US, for very serious reasons. Moreover, the fact is that Bergoglio has already excommunicated himself from the Church owing to his pseudo-gospel (cf. Gal 1:8-9). He cannot therefore be its head, as Scripture, the Church Fathers, the Doctors of the Church and the dogmatic constitution confirm. Nevertheless, he continues to illegally occupy the papal office.

The pages of the autobiographical book also traverse the history of the Argentine dictatorship during General Jorge R. Videla’s regime. Bergoglio dwells on repeated accusations addressed to him of being complicit with the dictatorship, and therefore deliberately presents himself in his book as a saviour of vulnerable children and young people. However, a federal court in Argentina investigated Bergoglio for collaboration with the military dictatorship. There are still witnesses who can provide facts and prove Bergoglio’s manipulation of information. The book is a de facto purposeful apologia for Bergoglio’s crimes, which he coldly glorifies.

Bergoglio also touches on the subject of his so-called staunch defence of human life, “from conception to death”, where he correctly labels abortion as “murder”, performed by “hired killers, hitmen!”, and the practice of surrogacy as “inhumane”.

Commentary: Bergoglio suggestively calls abortion murder and radically condemns abortion doctors as hired killers, hitmen. In reality, however, this is again just his method of psychological manipulation in order to create a favourable public opinion of him and to silence the legitimate criticisms of his opponents. The fact is that Bergoglio publicly honours mass abortionists and excommunicates priests who fight to save unborn children. The bishops deny Holy Communion to the top politicians in the US who advocate abortion up to the ninth month, but Bergoglio himself provocatively gave them Holy Communion.

Bergoglio manipulatively seems to admit his mistakes and writes: “… I made mistakes because of my authoritarian attitude, to the extent of being accused of being ultraconservative.”

Commentary: Bergoglio here gives the impression of suffering for defending orthodoxy. In fact, he is committing gross authoritarianism leading to the total destruction of orthodoxy!

In his book, Bergoglio also tries to justify his criminal pseudo pandemic propaganda. He abused his usurped authority and set a criminal precedent of dictatorship. He had the entire Vatican vaccinated twice under threat of dismissal from office. No country reached such a totalitarian state of affairs. The solid, incorruptible scientists who warned against experimental vaccination were denigrated by him as frauds.

Furthermore, his autobiography is a defence and promotion of a climate and sodomite anti-gospel. He promotes the lie about the climate crisis, and he legitimizes and blesses the sin of sodomy. In doing so, he denies the Saviour, repentance, and forgiveness of sins. He encourages youth not to maintain order and wholesome discipline, but to create chaos, ultimately resulting in moral decay and crime. Bergoglio writes: “And if some brother bishops decide not to follow this path (of blessing gay couples), it does not mean that this is the antechamber of a schism, because the doctrine of the Church is not questioned.”

Commentary: The fact is that the doctrine of the Church is not only questioned by Bergoglio but literally destroyed at the root. This is not just the antechamber of a schism, but the highest stage of Bergoglio’s apostasy – rebellion against God the Creator and Saviour. The essence of the Creed and Decalogue is denied. This proves that there is already the New Age anti-Church under the banner of the Catholic Church. Those who want to be saved must radically break with Bergoglio’s anti-gospel, and above all his suicidal Fiducia Supplicans.

Moreover, Bergoglio’s destructive activities are destroying the papacy itself. But he again manipulatively refutes this fact in his book. What is the aim of Bergoglio’s autobiography? To defend and promote the apostate path which, though diametrically opposed to Scripture and Tradition, is relentlessly pioneered by him. This path leads not only to the loss of conscience and reason, but also to the loss of eternal salvation!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

19 March 2024

Critical review of Francis Bergoglio’s autobiographical book /italiano/ /français/ /español/

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The Church of (Anti) Christ

From Emily Mangiaracina at LifeSiteNews

A high-ranking freemason, occultist, and co-founder of the Lucifer Publishing Company 50 years ago predicted key features of a coming one-world government, including a “cashless society” and worldwide socialism. But his blueprint for a new world order is unique in its specific predictions about a one-world religion that is to be led by a “Christ” to come — or rather, the Antichrist.

In the book “Things to Come,” (issued by what is now called the Lucis Publishing Company) Foster Bailey, author of “The Spirit of Masonry” and husband of Alice Bailey, a “godmother” of the new-age movement, gives hints as to what the coming one-world religion will look like and helps the reader to imagine the unthinkable: that a one-world government will indeed promote a new religion, and even be wedded to that religion.

In fact, the one-world religion will be the very heart of the new world order, because the most important conquest of the inner circle of globalists is not your body, but your soul. This is largely why the coming religious deception is generally shrouded in obscurity, unlike the political and economic facets of the NWO.

If anyone were to grasp the plans for the one-world religion, it would be someone like Foster Bailey. As a 33rd degree freemason, he was evidently privy to the secret society’s designs to subvert the Catholic Church and help usher in this one-world religion, which his writings hint at.

His wife, Alice, suggests that freemasonry will help prepare the way for the “Great One” to come, also known as “the Christ,” who Foster describes as a “great spiritual leader” and a “living man today” who “does not come to save us but to help us save ourselves,” and “not from a hell of physical suffering.”

Alice predicted that “mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the masonic fraternity,” calling the “Masonic Movement” the “home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation.” The “Great One,” (read: Antichrist) she says, is working toward the same end as freemasonry: “When the Great One comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have … the restoration of the Mysteries,” Bailey wrote in “The Externalization of the Hierarchy.”

She admitted that freemasonry is, at its core, an occult group, writing that the “masonic movement” “is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists.”

A Luciferian endeavor 

The occult involvement of Alice and Foster give credence to the claim of ex-freemasons that the fraternity is satanic at its highest levels — that the “Great Architect of the Universe” is Satan. As hardcore occultists, the couple openly praised Lucifer, and were literally “plugged in” to demons, through what they describe as “New Age” practices. 

For example, in “Things to Come,” Bailey described a “process of overshadowing” by which “the Christ” (not Jesus Christ as Christians understand Him) or an “ascended Master” renders a “disciple” “much more usable. This suggests that he deliberately opened himself to possession or at least influence by “spirits,” which as many former New Agers can testify, are often demons in disguise.

And Alice claimed to “telepathically” receive messages from a “Master of Wisdom” she labeled “the Tibetan” or “Djwal Khul (D.K.), which she said comprised the majority of her writings. These messages are likewise probably of demonic origin, all the more so because of her esteem for Lucifer/Satan.

We can, therefore, while taking the Baileys’ predictions regarding the “Christ” to come with a grain of salt, understand them as a likely foreshadowing of how the Antichrist will deceptively sugarcoat himself and his evil religion. 

Regarding the “Christ” who will lead the one-world religion, Foster Bailey gives a couple of hints as to what he will be like (expanded on by Alice, as detailed below):

“The word Christ is a name in the Hierarchy for the holder of an all embracing world-wide divine leadership and as so used, transcends orthodox limitations. Christ to the modern mind is an active, intelligent world executive, and a living man today. His vision and his action are for all men. He is not at all limited to Christianity.”

Thus, the Antichrist will deny one of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity, which is that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

Foster, by contrast, insists that the idea that Christianity is “the only true religion” makes Christians guilty of the “special sin” of “separatism.” However, such a belief not only conforms to the words of Jesus Christ Himself but to the logical principle of noncontradiction: Two contradictory things cannot simultaneously be true.

Foster signals that this “Christ” to come will not consider necessary the belief in Heaven or Hell, since he wrote, “It is not the function of any religion or any church organization to … try to scare people into a mythical heaven.” 

We can glean more about the nature of the Antichrist and his one-world religion through Foster’s remarks about the major religions. It is telling that Foster’s disdain for Christianity contrasts with his esteem for Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, which are spared criticism entirely (“liberal Jews” get a very brief positive mention, while other Jews, like Catholics, are mentioned to be “excessively separative”).

Catholicism: The supreme enemy of Bailey — and freemasonry

Even more revealing is the fact that Catholicism is the religion most repugnant to Foster, an attitude inherent to freemasonry, which is diametrically opposed to the Catholic faith above all. 

This is because Catholicism is more opposed than any other religion to Foster’s/freemasonry’s idea that we should “be obedient to our own inner spiritual selves.” In other words, Catholicism is most opposed to the “supreme injunction” promoted by the occultist and “magician” Aleister Crowley: “Do what thou wilt.” (It is noteworthy that Crowley, who, it is publicly acknowledged, deliberately summoned demons, said he wrote his seminal work according to the dictations of a disembodied voice, like Alice Bailey.)

It is why freemasons, when they reach the 30th degree, crush under foot a papal tiara, swearing to free mankind from “the thraldom of spiritual tyranny,” according to Father Alex Zenthoefer.

Dr. Taylor Marshall explains in his book Infiltration that a major goal of freemasonry (echoed in Things to Come) is in fact to replace Catholicism: “The strategy of … Freemasonry is to arrange secret societies to subvert the current (Catholic) order and replace it with an enlightened order in which all religions are approximations of the truth — all religions become allegorical and equal. The Catholic Church is the Vetus Ordo Saeculorum — the Old Order of the World. Freemasonry is the Novus Ordo Saeculorum — the New Order of the World.”

Second Vatican Council is evidence of “New Age” influence 

In keeping with his masonic and occult beliefs, while Foster Bailey makes clear that Catholicism is too “dogmatic,” he sees a spark of hope in the Second Vatican Council, which he considers a watershed moment largely because the clergy are distancing themselves from “useless dogmas”:

Increasing numbers of religious leaders are recognizing that the church must abandon useless dogmas and that it is out of step with the development of human intelligence today. There is a ferment arising in the religious field which is forcing reformation of churchianity. Amazing things are taking place in the Roman Catholic Church, for example.

For centuries the Roman Catholic Church has been dominated and controlled by the Curia, a body of ultra-conservative doctrinaires who wielded undisputed power over all cardinals and bishops. Until this control was broken there was little hope for any spiritual change. Pope John XXIII broke it in the first session of the Second Ecumenical Council. 

Today the present Pope is largely free from this shackling influence and a new Collegia is gaining power and great influence as to all Church affairs. This is a far-reaching change in the organization itself, the fruits of which will be startling indeed. 

Foster is not talking about a difference of mere degrees in what the Catholic Church teaches or how, but about a fundamental “break,” a disconnect with its past. He goes on to explain how:

“The Second Session of the Ecumenical Council witnessed the promulgation of the doctrine that every man is free to worship God as he chooses without condemnation of the Church,” Foster wrote, predicting that “This new religious freedom in the Catholic Church, when implemented, will completely change the system by which the Church has controlled its followers for ages.”

The idea of religious freedom is so revered today, even by devout Christians, that it is difficult for people to consider why the Catholic Church long taught that “error has no rights.” This does not mean the Church ever taught that people should be legally coerced into practicing Catholicism. But to teach that a human being has a right to publicly practice a false religion is contrary to the Church’s desire that all men find the truth and be saved.

It is easiest to understand this when considering whether a satanist has a right to erect a Baphomet statue at a state capitol or run a satanic children’s club at a school. Most Christians today will passionately insist that satanists do not have this right. Why? Because it is harmful both to a just society and to souls. But we make exceptions for other religions because they aren’t explicitly or obviously opposed to God, forgetting that other religions harm souls as well and put them at risk, because they reject what Jesus taught — that He is the only way to the Father — and the fullness of the moral law.

We forget that it is because we have embraced this very principle of religious liberty in the U.S., for example, that satanists are able to erect statues and displays before state capitols and start “after school satan clubs.

Many have forgotten that religious indifferentism — the idea that it really does not matter to which religion one belongs — is a masonic idea, something also noted by the traditional Catholic priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. 

While they are much criticized and considered “irregular” by the Vatican for refusing to embrace the entirety of the Second Vatican Council, the SSPX correctly points out that Vatican II’s teaching that no one is “to be restrained from acting in accordance with his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly,” stems from freemasonry, breaks with the Church’s perennial teaching, and undermines the conversion of souls to the Catholic faith.

Vatican II did in fact greatly weaken Catholic belief and practice, as seen in the dramatic decline in religious vocations and even Church attendance after the Council. The climate of religious indifferentism that it encouraged led to a newfound religious apathy among Catholics, which Foster Bailey noted when he wrote, “Youth no longer fears to disobey the Church.” He predicted that from their “freedom” would emerge a “new attitude toward religion based on reasonableness and cooperation.”

Keeping in mind that the new-age movement was (wittingly or not) demonically inspired, and that freemasonry is inseparable from the occultism at the core of new age practice, we can grasp why Foster Bailey would say that Vatican II showed the influence of “new age spiritual energy”:

“It is significant that the Council has issued no anathemas, condemned no movements, not even communism, and avoided dogmatic declarations, as has been wisely pointed out. Here again we have evidence of the presence of new age spiritual energy affecting religious thought.The whole edifice of law, custom and religious practice that had supported Catholic stability since the Council of Trent was threatened.”

“Satan will rule in the Vatican”

Foster goes so far as to predict: “It may eventuate that the most crystallized, materialistic and dogmatic Church in the Christian world will become the leader in a Christian religious revival.” 

That should seem like a strange remark. What would make Foster think that the religion most opposed to the supremacy of one’s own “inner guidance” would eventually become its biggest champion?

As Dr. Marshall has well documented in his book on the subject, Infiltration, freemasonry has indeed long planned to infiltrate the Catholic Church, even to the point of making one of its own the pope.

This is revealed in the “Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita,” which Dr. Marshall notes was reproduced in the English translation in the lecture by Right Rev. Msgr. George Dillon D.D., in Edinburgh in October 1884. Its author, who writes under the pseudonym Piccolo Tigre or “Little Tiger,” explains the long-term goal of freemasons:

Our final end is that of Voltaire and the Revolution, the destruction forever of Catholicism and even of the Christian idea which, if left standing on the ruins of Rome, would be the resuscitation of Christianity later.

The Pope, whoever he will be, will never come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come first to the Church, with the aim of winning them both. The work which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies, and the fight continues.

Now then, in order to secure to us a Pope according to our own heart, it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream. Leave on one side old age and middle life, go to the youth, and if possible, even to the children.

The ultimate goal of freemasonry is the public reign of Satan in the world. St. Maximilian Kolbe testified in his Militia of the Immaculata magazine that in 1917 he had seen freemasons march in St. Peter’s Square flying a banner that read, “Satan will rule in the Vatican.”

In a Japanese November 1935 issue of the magazine, St. Kolbe wrote, “Years later, the Freemasons in Rome began to demonstrate openly and belligerently against the Church. They placed the black standard of the “Giordano Brunisti” under the windows of the Vatican. On this standard the archangel, St. Michael, was depicted lying under the feet of the triumphant Lucifer … Right then I conceived the idea of organizing an active society to counteract Freemasonry and other slaves of Lucifer.”

He elaborated in 1939, “A reckless hand felt no repugnance in writing: Satan will rule in the Vatican and the Pope will serve him … This mortal hatred for the Church of Jesus Christ and for His Vicar was not just a prank on the part of deranged individuals but a systematic action proceeding from the principle of Freemasonry: Destroy all religion, whatever it may be, especially the Catholic religion.”

However outrageous this may seem to some Catholics, this scenario was also predicted by the Blessed Mother in a message to the children of La Salette in 1846. In 1879, the secret of La Salette was published as written by one of the visionaries, Mélanie Calvat, lamenting the corruption of so many priests, and foretelling that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.” [1] 

Now, in 2024, 10 years into the pontificate of Pope Francis, we can finally make sense of Foster Bailey’s prediction that the Church may become a “leader in a Christian religious revival,” as well as the freemasons’ prediction that the pope would serve Satan. Over the past decade, Francis has given sign after sign after sign that he is not really interested in upholding Catholic doctrine and practice, but rather in undermining it in favor of a less “rigid,” more “inclusive,” faith.

He has done this by:

  • Reinforcing religious indifferentism (ex: he has said even atheists can be redeemed, that he is “not interested in converting evangelicals to Catholicism”; Releasing a video promoting his prayer intentions featuring Muslim prayer beads, a Buddha statue, and a Menorah, along with a Baby Jesus (but no cross); saying ‘It’s not right to convince someone of your faith’;) 
  • Promoting impiety and even blasphemy (ex: he has said “God was unjust with His Son” and joked that “Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors”)
  • He has also appointed a slew of prelates to the Synod on Synodality who brazenly defy Church teaching.
  • Most egregious of all, attacking the very foundation of Catholic moral teaching by, for example claiming that one can receive Holy Communion in mortal sin, and that same-sex civil unions are permissible. These claims have been denounced as heretical. 

He has also plainly aligned with the masonic view of religions in his statement that “the most important role of religions is that of promoting the culture of encounter, along with the promotion of true education in responsible behavior in caring for creation.” No mention of God, of Christ, or salvation.

If any doubt remains as to whether Francis has a masonic bent, consider that his election was immediately praised by Grand Master Gustavo Raffi of the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Italy, who said, “Fraternity and dialogue are his first concrete words: perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before.” 

Is he the long-awaited pope “according to the heart” of the freemasons? 

He checks all the boxes.

Features of the antichrist and his ‘New Age’ deception

Just as naturalism and religious indifferentism are merely means to the end of Lucifer worship for those initiated into freemasonry, so are they in the freemasons’ plan for a one-world religion. 

The Baileys help show that this religion will be packaged in new-age practices and beliefs, which will be embraced by the Antichrist who will lead this religion.

Under Pope Francis, the Vatican has already signaled that it is on board with such new-age religion, as anti-Catholic as it is. In 2018, a Vatican conference on “How Science, Technology and the 21st Century Will Impact Culture and Society” featured a talk by pop star Katy Perry on transcendental meditation as well as a talk by New Age guru Deepak Chopra. Perry is a particularly disturbing choice as a guest speaker because she has included themes of lesbianism and cannibalism in her music.

Alice Bailey, in her 1948 book “The Reappearance of the Christ,” explains some of the features of the “Christ” to come and the one-world religion she says will emerge after his appearance. It is noteworthy that, just as the antichrist is traditionally understood, Bailey describes him as the “second coming” of Jesus Christ who became incarnate 2,000 years ago. However, he will have notable differences, she says.

Alice Bailey claims that “undue emphasis” was laid upon “Jesus Christ’s” divinity, and also that man himself is “divine,” essentially undermining the very meaning and uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. She states that today, “There is a growing and developing belief that Christ is in us, as He was in the Master Jesus.” This is a first huge red flag.

She also explains that, in keeping with religious indifferentism, he will (at least initially) put all religions on the same plane, writing, “The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself.” She even calls “the Buddha the spiritual leader of the East, and the Christ, the spiritual leader of the West.”

What will his proclaimed mission be? According to Bailey, it will be essentially world peace and “international cooperation”: “His major task is surely the establishing of right human relations in every department of human living,” going on to state that “when the United Nations has emerged into factual and actual power, the welfare of the world will then be assured.”

“What is that welfare but love in action? What are right human relations but love among men, groups and nations? What is international cooperation but love on a world scale? Those are the things which the love of God in Christ expressed … ”

Thus, the Antichrist’s conception of “love” will emphasize world peace — which is of course a good in and of itself — but this drive for “peace” will be used as a pretext for a one-world government, which both Baileys discussed directly.

Alice Bailey says that unlike Jesus Christ, this man will “not be a ‘man of sorrows’” and “will not be a silent, pensive figure.” Also, “this time, He will play His part, not in obscurity as He previously did, but before the eyes of the entire world … because of the prevalence of the radio, television and the rapidity of communication, His part will be watched by all … ”

But didn’t Jesus say that in his real Second Coming, he would come “in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty?” Alice Bailey attempts to dismiss this Scripture as meaningless in an age of airplanes, writing, “He will come indeed ‘in the clouds of the air’ as the Christian Scriptures say, but of what great interest is that when millions come and go in the clouds each hour of the day and of the night?” It’s a rather weak refutation of Scripture’s real meaning, but it will unfortunately still dupe people ready to embrace the Antichrist.

Finally, Alice Bailey offers a disturbing prediction that suggests that the Antichrist may possess the minds of his followers. She claims that the “Hierarchy” will “impres(s) the minds of enlightened men everywhere by spiritual ideas embodying the new truths” and “by the overshadowing of all world disciples and the New Group of World Servers by the Christ Himself.”

Could this perhaps be through a chip implant without which people will be unable to buy or sell (the “mark of the beast”), as foretold in the Book of the Apocalypse?

Let us remember the words of Christ regarding these times:

“Take heed that no man seduce you: For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many.” (Matthew 24: 4-5)

“ … Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand. 

 If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold he is in the closets, believe it not. For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24: 23-27)


[1] Johannes Maria Höcht, Die Große Botschaft von La Salette [The Great Message of La Salette], Stein am Rhein 2004 (8th ed.), p. 161.

“Doctrinal Development” on Freemasonry

from one peter five by timothy flanders

Cardinal Martini, the architect of the St. Gallen Mafia, had an auxiliary bishop in Milan. That man was Francesco Coccopalmerio, whom Benedict XVI elevated to the cardinalate a year before he resigned. You may shudder to remember Cardinal Coccopalmerio from the Capozzi affair – when his secretary was caught in a revolting cocaine sodomitical orgy – or the Inzoli affair – when Coccopalmerio was alleged to have advocated for child abuser Mauro Inzoli to be reinstated as a priest.

These things are only symptoms of a dialogue with the Devil that seems to have been going on for some time in Milan under Cardinal Martini and his Mafia. The latest scandal about the Vatican and Freemasonry was not the first time this happened publicly.

On February 16, 2024, Cardinal Coccopalmerio was a presenter at a Masonic conference organised by three Italian lodges.

It was here that the Benedict-appointed Cardinal became the first prelate to ask for a “permanent dialogue” with the demonic conspiracy known as Freemasonry.

But under the Francis pontificate, this also was not the first time we’ve seen prelates dance publicly with the Devil. In 2016, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi wrote what Pentin calls a “conciliatory letter” to the Freemasons, which has helped to spur on this absurd dialogue between Truth and lies.

Now Cardinal Coccopalmerio has presented again publicly to the Freemasons, saying there has been “an evolution in mutual understanding” between the devil’s minions [Freemasonry] and the Catholic Church.

“Evolution?” (When you say the word it’s like magic, and it turns black into white and Coke into Pepsi. Try it!) Remember when Fernández said the magic word “development” in order to contradict the ban on blessing sodomy? More on that in a minute.

As David L. Gray shows, there are few things since the 18th century that the Magisterium (before and after Vatican II) has been more consistent on than its condemnation of Freemasonry:

Thankfully, this is not something that Trads and Communio Catholics need to disagree about. Pentin:

In a 1983 declaration approved by Pope St. John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger reasserted that the Church’s “negative judgment” on Masonry remained “unchanged” since Masonic principles “have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden.” 

“The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion,” Cardinal Ratzinger added. However, neither that declaration nor the 1983 Code of Canon Law imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics belonging to the Masons — something that had been in force since Clement XII’s papal bull.

Even His Eminence, Cardinal Tucho Fernández, affirmed again last fall “the irreconcilability between the Catholic faith and Freemasonry.”

But words are just that, more words. Actions speak louder than words – do we really have to remind people of that? And this pontificate is all about undermining doctrine by means of “pastoral practice.” That’s why Freemasons have praised and thanked His Holiness as he has promoted by word and deed the message of Freemasonry – a worldwide brotherhood without Christ.

The Catholic Church is the true “new world order” of Jesus Christ as King of souls and societies.

Freemasonry is a new world order without Christ.

Therefore, Freemasonry is the new world order of Antichrist.

It’s really as simple as that.

The Devil does not have the power to create, only mar and distort what God creates, making His beauty into something ugly in the name of “fraternity” and “freedom.”

But with the latest news, we now see maybe why the Vatican issued this condemnation of Freemasonry in November.

Condemnation of Freemasonry + Fiducia Supplicans = intercommunion with the Devil with a clear conscience in the name of “mercy.”

From Riccardo Cascioli:

As with gay unions, one could always say that it is not Freemasonry that is blessed but individual Freemasons. And in fact [Cardinal] Staglianò[‘s speech to the Freemasons] does not defend this discrimination, rather he lays the groundwork to overcome it. Including the final invocation of a “healthy sapiential theology” that goes beyond the doctrinal approach that the latest document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published last November is still steeped in.

Who is Staglianò? What did Pope Francis put him in charge of? The Pontifical Academy of Theology of course! So he’s the one to add 2 + 2 to get 5 by means of the magic word “evolution” or “development” or “mercy” or whatever other talisman word they want to use.

As the Francis pontificate is reaching its twilight, the truth about the undercurrent of darkness is brought more and more into the light.

For this, we should be grateful to Almighty God.

For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity. 

But we ought to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, beloved of God, for that God hath chosen you firstfruits unto salvation, in sanctification of the spirit, and faith of the truth: Whereunto also he hath called you by our gospel, unto the purchasing of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God and our Father, who hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation, and good hope in grace, Exhort your hearts, and confirm you in every good work and word. (II Thess. ii. 7-16).

Fraternity replaces Corpus Christi

Bergoglio’s Vatican treated Sunday’s feast of Corpus Christi as if it were an ‘optional memorial’, by replacing that solemn occasion with the first “World Meeting on Human Fraternity”. Freemasonic “fraternity” was the order of the day – along with dreadfully tiresome entertainment including gay dance moves. The sodomite dancer pictured below apparently also performed for JPII back in the day. (You know, the day before we were all citizen journalists and trusted that everything our popes did was in the best interests of the Church. Image courtesy of Michael Haynes )

There was yet another official signing of yet another universalist document: this one promoted “environmental” and “spiritual fraternity” and as you may guess, omitted any reference to Catholicism. Bergoglio himself wasn’t able to make it due to his recent surgery, but good old Pietro Parolin (Secretary of State) and Mauro Gambetti (Archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica) held the fort.

According to LifeSite News, this anti-Catholic event was planned months ago, pushing the feast of Corpus Christi out of mind and out of sight. By all accounts, it was not well-attended, by either regular punters or distinguished invitees. Even Andrea Boccelli on a sunny Roman afternoon wasn’t enough to draw people along.

Silere Non Possum gives us a few more details. His translated headlines reads “THE POPE IS HOSPITALIZED AND GAMBETTI TRANSFORMS THE BASILICA INTO A PUB”! From the article:

If Bergoglio feeds on a liquid diet, Mauro Gambetti does not. Today in via della Conciliazione the main guest is Parmigiano Reggiano. For the Franciscan friar , who loves dining with the powerful and certainly not with the poor, this event of Human Fraternity is an opportunity to send clear messages to HE Mons. Salvatore Fisichella. Gambetti, in fact, is strongly opposed to the fact that the Pope has entrusted the archbishop with the management of the Jubilee 2025. After all, it could not have been otherwise, given the disastrous results of the management of St. Peter’s Basilica.

While the Pope, also to the bishops of the CEI, has once again addressed the invitation to poverty, Mauro Gambetti does not abandon the path traced since his arrival in the Vatican. Nobel prizes, celebrities and thousands of money spent on advertising and organization of an event that has no reason to exist. The Vatican Basilica has become a content to be filled as it has been emptied of its essence: prayer. The falling plaster, the dust, the naked men on the altar weren’t enough. Today, a real banquet has been set up in the atrium of the Basilica which probably reminds Gambetti of the fields of Romagna where you can have an aperitif with hay and crates.

“From the Vatican to Camporella is a moment”, reports a cardinal . No Masses, no prayer. In the first vespers of the solemnity of Corpus Domini, the square of Christianity is transformed into a real circus.…..In the meantime, however, numerous law enforcement officers have been employed, the basilica is not accessible and the amount of money lost is staggering.

Vatican continues to use Rupnik’s art!

Have they no shame?

Evil. That is the only way to describe it. The folks at Vatican News apparently think it appropriate to continue using the art of disgraced sex-abuser-priest, Marko Rupnik, to promote some of the liturgical year’s most sacred days. Is this a not-so-subtle message of business as usual at the Vatican?

That the Age of Aquarius is steaming ahead in Francis’ Rome? How dare they? How DARE THEY?

This artwork is so disorienting, some would say, demonic.

And if you have the stomach for something even more bizarre – here is Rupnik explaining his mosaic about St Pio – only he spends the bulk of the time spouting nonsense about Pope Francis and his similarities with our dear Padre.

Ecclesiastical Freemasonry by Fr Paul Kramer

This rather long video may prove enlightening for some. Fr Kramer is the distinguished author of several books on Fatima and The Crisis, although he unfortunately adopted the sedevacantist position after the abdication of Pope Benedict. Nevertheless, Fr Kramer is very knowledgable on the topic of Freemasonry and this lecture may shed some light on that very dark tool of anti-Christ. If the video can’t be accessed directly, then please try this link:

For those who would like to hear more from Fr Kramer, here is a podcast interview between that priest and Fr Dave Nix from 2022.